A Hot Day at Dorney 6/22

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I left my house around 11:30 and ran to our local Wal Mart for an oil change and some film. The line was an hour for an oil change so I decided to just get the film and take off. On the way there I saw several thermometers reading in the high 80's

I got to the park right at 1:30 and got my season pass in about 10 minutes. Dorney finally got plastic passes instead of those lame paper laminated ones they had before.

First 2 rides of the day were on Talon. Minimal wait both times for the back seat. This is a great coaster it doesn't let up untill the brakes. 3 rides total and one for Woody. ;)

After Talon I strolled over to Meteor. Once again no wait and I got a seat in one of the front rows. Cool ride.

Next up Hercules. No wait and I hopped on the front seat. Not too bone jarring in the front compared to the back seat ride I took later in the day. I got all these rides and was only there for about a half hour! 2 rides total

I then made my way to Dominator "down" about a 5 minute wait. I hate drop rides but love them. The first 2 seconds of the drop suprise the hell out of you then it's easy sailing from there.

Time for some grubb at the Burger Barn. Cheeseburger Deluxe and a small drink $7.00. Not the greatest burger but not bad.

I finished my burger and hit the whip. Once again no wait.

Made my way to Thunderhawk. No wait. this is a fun woodie I just wish they'd axe the trim on the second bunny hop before the station this could be a great coaster for getting air. 2 rides total

Steel Force was next on the to do list. 2 train wait. I sat in car 1 row 3. I love the floater air on the camel humps back to the station. I went around for another ride and they were shutting down to add the 3rd train. I could have filled in some place and got a ride but opted to hang around and watch them add the train. I took a pic or two of the transfer tack in motion. After about a 1/2 hour it was ready to go (For some reason the ride ops had to go out to the first set of brakes to get the train rolling. 3 rides

Lazer was a 1 train wait. I love Schwartzkopf coasters. The loops give me the fuzzy vision every time! :) 1 ride

By this time it was getting close to 5 and I figured I'd head up near the Main enterance and keep an eye out for fellow buzzer beast_rocks. I waited around for about a half hour but didn't see him (I mainly went up there so he could see me)

Another ride on Talon, Hercules, a hoagie at the Subway with chips and drink, and a my final run on the Thunderhawk. I walked by Steel Force but it looked like about a 30 minute wait so I made a run to the exit. I left the park right around 8 so I missed all the traffic on the way out.

Sorry Woody I didn't ride the Wild Mouse (line was too long).

Dorney is looking pretty good now that all the trees they planted the past few years are getting bigger. I wonder what they are gonna do with there Paratroopers? It's been sitting behing the employee parking lot in pieces for 2 years now. Not a bad day at Dorney just wish I would have met up with the fellow buzzers.

Knoebels visits in 2002. 4

Hey coasterpunk, I was there saturday too. Got there about five, left at 11:00. Wasn't a bad day, lines were short. We rode that flume, and came off SOAKED! That is the wettest damn flume I've ever ridden in my life.

The only thing I didn't like about the park, and I hate to say anything negative, was that the crowds were terrible. A huge catfight almost broke out on the exit ramp of Meteor and shortly aftewards they were all kicked out of the park. I don't know if we hit it when WWK was coming out or what it was, but there were people all over the midways, but the ride lines were fairly short.

Other then that it was a pretty fun day.

I was wearing a Stealth shirt. Did you see me?

Knoebels visits in 2002. 4

*** This post was edited by coasterpunk on 6/23/2002. ***

No I didn't see you, as a matter of fact I was a bit suprised that I didn't see anyone with coaster shirts on. I was gonna wear my Knoebels shirt, but it was in the laundary basket when I left the house.


I was going to go to Allentown with my dad that day and have him drop me off at Dorney, but it didnt work out. Now im even angrier that I didnt go! No lines.. Ahh that would be great.. Great trip report though! But man, I still need to get out there and ride Talon.
i was there that day too, wahoo!I dont think i saw any of u, but i was in the waterpark most of the day, so who knows

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