A GREAT 10min Video Look at Mummy the Ride: At The Movie Theaters

Hello Coaster Fans Who Are Now Hitting Frantically Hitting All The Theme Parks They Can Before School Lets Out,

FYI, If you go see a movie at Regal theaters, here or in Ohio...or a few other theaters they have this thing called "The 20." Instead of slide shows they basically show movie shorts, commercials, and music videos. This past weekend, I went to see a movie with some frieds, and to my suprise they had a pretty cool clip.

The clip in the "Top 20" was a GREAT video on the making of Mummy The Ride! It was about 10min long (roughly...I didn't have a watch.) The video showed A TON of indoor shots with the lights on and off. You could see the train doing LOTS of moves with water dummies, fowards and backwards. They showed A LOT of effects they were using also. Quite a few designers from all over the ride talked about building it and the challenges of it from the design, to realalistic, to lighting.

Overall I can say I was quite impressed...especially seeing it at the movie theater. It looked like something I would see on TDC. The ride is about the Hollywood version and it says opening June 20th.

"The Future of Roller Coasters" -RollerCoasterGod [url="http://ohiothemeparks.com"] Ohio Theme Parks[/url]
I saw that (before watching the Day After Tomorrow; great movie!) here in NY. It was ok, the clip on Everquest 2 was more intresting to me though.

There are only 10 types of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who dont.
Too bad I didn't see it. Here in Fort Wayne, I believe we only have a Rave Motion Pictures and another that's not Regal. I would have liked to see it seeing as I haven'y been to Universal Studios in quite some time.

p.s. RCTMASTER, I LOVE your sig. I've got a shirt with that on it

EDIT: friggin typos *** Edited 6/7/2004 2:12:08 PM UTC by TheBluMarshmelo***

Shut up, sit down, strap in, Hold on!

You liked Day After Tomorrow? I *rarely* don't like movies, but that movie was just cheesy crap! The effects were cool but it was so unrealistic and poorly put together I kept checking my watch to see if it was almost over.

Anyhoot, the Mummy kicks so much ass it's unbelievable. I can't WAIT to try the Cali version, especially since it looks pretty different from all of the pics I've seen. Way to go Universal!

Joe, Mummy fan-4-life

OMG I have a new sig!!!
Universal posted a new video, not sure if this is the same one or not, but it does have some cool shots of USH's interior, with a brief view a car whizzing around the tracks. Just go here and click on "Trailers", then "Marketing Teaser":


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