A few Sea World Tycoon questions

I am possibly going on a Sea World tycoon hunt throughout my area later on tonight, and i have a few questions.

1.any other place i can find any screens?

2.How much is it?

3.If you have it, can i have a review?

Thanks alot

Life is Short, get one

I know that a review and some screens are available at pc.ign.com. They gave it a rather luke warm reveiw. They make it seem like it might be a little better than my impressions from the box.
Ride of Steel's avatar

Are you the moderator here? You may be new to the site, but if there are games other than rollercoaster tycoon, then usually a post will be made in this forum, because sea world tycoon doesn't need its own forum.


Six Flags Darien Lake Mania! Your #1 source for DL and other parks!

Yes, but your grammar still indicates low inteligence. Just tell the guy where the info is, if you have any.

"Step on that lapbar and make it nice and tight!"

Rctycoon2k's avatar
Its weird, since when is August 2003 11 months before October 2003 DC2B? Kind of weird huh? Also, i might get this game too... Kind of looks fun! Looks very similar to Sim City is some areas. The coasters (which are Kraken and Steel Eel from what i can see) remind me of park map art, the demented non-lifelike looking coaster that don't much resemble real coasters.

Shaun Rajewski
Amusment Park Website Design - Coming Soon
*** This post was edited by Rctycoon2k 10/28/2003 5:18:13 PM ***

DON'T GET IT!!!11!!1111!!!!!!

It's not worth it. You'll probably love it at first , but it'll get stuck on the shelf pretty soon. The only "customizing" you can do is place the pre-made unchangeable rides in different places.

At least wait until the price goes down.

I'd like to thank the academy , and my mom , and my fans,and.....oh forget it , I hate you all.

Not Recommended

The graphics are nice, but the gameplay pretty much stinks. As has already been said, you are limited to pre-built coasters. Also there is a very limited number of attractions, and you will quickly become bored with this game. Even my 6 year old was bored after one day.
*** This post was edited by Downhill Screamer 10/29/2003 3:31:11 PM ***

DC2Beltz3 said:
As for the grammer errors there are none which indicates high intelligence and as for this "Sea World Tycoon" I have heard from other sources that the park is a rip off and the coasters are not buildable, but only prebuilt and, so my recommendation is that not to buy the game. if u want screenshots click here:http://pc.ign.com/articles/456/456129p1.html?fromint=1 or copy and paste

The price i beleive that the price is under $20

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*** This post was edited by DC2Beltz3 10/28/2003 4:32:14 PM ***
*** This post was edited by DC2Beltz3 10/28/2003 4:33:37 PM ***

You edited that twice and still didn't manage to put in enough periods.

Color me impressed.

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Hot stuff.

If that's really how you feel, I suggest you take a look at the Terms of Service that you agreed to when you registered.

Joe Cernelli
My CampusFish Blog

I don't think that matters this is not grammer class it is an online forum where spelling doesn't really count, as long as u can read and understand it.

I beg to differ DC2Beltz3. In your previous posts, your run on sentence is duzzying. It is not easy to read nor understand. Proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation are all make a post easier to read for everyone. If you wrote properly then people may actually begin to respond to what you say in your post rather than attacking how you say it. This is the reason that Jeff has the grammar and spelling clause in the TOS. It helps you out as much as it helps us.

"Every day is a bad day on Hollywood and Vine!"

Mustang said:
I don't think that matters this is not grammer class it is an online forum where spelling doesn't really count, as long as u can read and understand it.

I beg to differ DC2Beltz3. In your previous posts, your run on sentence is duzzying. It is not easy to read nor understand. Proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation are all make a post easier to read for everyone. If you wrote properly then people may actually begin to respond to what you say in your post rather than attacking how you say it. This is the reason that Jeff has the grammar and spelling clause in the TOS. It helps you out as much as it helps us.

"Every day is a bad day on Hollywood and Vine!"

I love when people complain about spelling/grammar, but fail to correctly use it themselves.

Duzzying? That should be spelled dizzying!

It's kind of like when people complain about on ride photos, but post self taken on ride photos of themselves in their profiles.

Coaster Count = 230

Ya know, proper grammar includes decent spelling and capitalization too.

Here, read if for yourself:

There's a difference between a typo (which we all make) and chat shorthand ("r ne of u lamerz?") People like to read real, spelled out words, with capitalization and punctuation. ...Please utilize your shift and caps lock key properly. Respect for the English language is important, and that means chat shorthand is not welcome.

See? I even copied that for you so that you didn't have to waste your time. Get a clue, please.

Six Flags Worlds of Adventure Online

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