A few RCT2 questions...

Okay... I know I am a little late with this, and these have probably already been answered here (about a year and a half ago), but hey, we FINALLY bought a new computer and I can FINALLY load RCT2.

The questions:

- There are lots of new supports (posts, walls, etc) and roofs. In of the included scenarios there are some structures that appear to be built simply with these walls and a roof (i.e. no land underneath that supports the roof. Everytime I try this, I can put in the walls and try to click in the roof, but the roof winds up on the ground. What am I doing wrong, or can't a "building" be built this way... do you still need the raised land with the roof sitting firmly on top of it?

- In RCT when you put in a balloon stall or hat stall or T-shirt stall, the visitors bought the items like crazy... nearly everyone had a hat, T and Balloon as they walked around the park. In RTC 2 when I place one of these stalls, no one seems to buy. What is up with this, what triggers the people to buy?

- In RCT if you had a double wide path the visitors got lost (some actually seemed to run around in circles). I heard that in RCT2 paths can at least be double wide I think and that visitors could handle that. Is that the case? How wide can a path be before visitors get "lost"?

I think that's it.

"Yes... well... VICTORY IS MINE!"
Raise the roof piece with the mouse while holding the shift key

Make sure you haven't accidentally placed your stalls in the air over a path(it's possible in this game)

They still get lost just not as bad

Raise Roof while holding SHIFT... Okay... I'll try that.

Nope, they are on the same level of the land. I noticed the same thing happening at the Drink Stall, and the Souvineer stall, but I noticed that if I set the "Thirst" indicator very high in the editor they flock to the drink stall and buy and when it rains, I see people who go to the Souvineer stall buying umberallas. So I think that the others are placed correctly, but no one is buying.

So they still get lost, just not as badly. So double wide paths should not cause a problem (at least not a major one) like in the original game? Not to worried about tripple wide or better paths, but the single paths of the original just looked too narrow and made the park look too "crowded".

"Yes... well... VICTORY IS MINE!"
TheRealCP's avatar
I haven't had any trouble with some double-wide paths - they tend to help on the "It's too crowded here!" complaints.

Maybe hat and balloon sales just very from scenario to scenario?


"You had a rollback? Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

Coasting for Kids - "Team Erik!":

I suppose my concern about hat and balloon sales is this... do they work? If not, why spend the money to build the stall and then spend the money to run it if they don't turn a profit.

"Yes... well... VICTORY IS MINE!"
You have to hold the shift key down first, then try raising the roof piece. Yeah, I said it...Raise the Roof! LOL Also, you have to hold down the left mouse buton as well. Don't know how profitable the hat & balloon sales are, but I always notice that many of my peeps buy both of them. Hope this helps.
On the Hats and Balloons...

in RTC it seemed like the first thing peeps did when they got to the park was buy a hat, balloon, T-shirt, etc... and I mean almost everyone bought one.

I haven't played very far into any scenario, but I noticed that no one seems to be buying. Is it a timing thing? They seem to be a little smarter in RCT2... do they wait until they are in the park a while to buy (like people do in reality)?

"Yes... well... VICTORY IS MINE!"
Lord Gonchar's avatar
I've never noticed the hat/balloon thing. All my peeps seem to carry those stupid balloons around.

As far as double wide paths - still hate them. Not as bad as RCT1, but still not really done well in RCT2.

As far as roof pieces. Use shift to get the first one up high in place, then use 'CTRL' to build the rest at the same level.

Worse case with the Double Wide paths... there is one ground color that is a tan (not the sand). I usually use the cobblestones for my paths and this color matches very closely. To avoid peep confusion, I may just make a double wide path with this ground color and then just fill one side in with the cobblestones to make the actual walking path.

"Yes... well... VICTORY IS MINE!"
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Another trick is to lay one side of the path. Then line it with fences along the side where you'll double it. Add the second path to make it double wide and you'll notice the fences stop the two paths from connecting.

Not go back with the bulldozer and remove the fences and the paths stay seperate. This gives you all the throughput of a double wide, but without the peep AI going goofy.

Does this cause any problems if you have entrances on each side of the path? Do suggest making a cross over so that guests from each path can get to the entrance, or just put cross overs at regular intervals, but not necessarily across from each entrance?

"Yes... well... VICTORY IS MINE!"
I was not aware of the trick with the Ctrl key. Thanks! I've got to give that one a try. It takes me way too long to build a building. Will there be pre-fabricated ones in the new game? I would like to see a pre-fab food court too.
Lord Gonchar's avatar
Crossovers depend on what you're doing with the layout. It really just depends.

Obviously, the more crossovers, the more chance for peeps to go in circles. The best I can say is to just try it. You can always add or remove crossovers later.

No black or white on that one - it's all grey. Just a good method of squeaking out semi-double wide paths without confusing our simple minded guests.

It seems that in most scenarios in RCT2 the guests are not really spend happy. They do buy more than one ride-photo!
Try to experiment with the placement of the souvenier stands. Place them close to the exits of your best rides and check them every now and then. But Balloons seem to be quite unpopular in the game, anyway. Hats, shirts and Sunglasses are hip.

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