A few more Wacky Worlds™ screens

Infogrames has released a few more screenshots of Wacky Worlds on their website -


Looks like there will be more "permanently-themed" rides (aka Snowman Cup Ride).

Lord Gonchar's avatar
Is it too early to call me Kreskin?

Look at this screenshot:


In the upper left is something that looks a lot like a scrambler or teacup ride, just Russian themed. (after a closer look it actually says "Fabrige Egg Ride" in the screenshot. Sounds like fancy talk for themed tea cups.

I quote myself from this thread (originally posted on March 1, 2003):

Hmmm. Something that struck me when reading that.

"50 new ride types from around the world"

Isn't that an odd line? Especially the "from around the world" part. I think a lot of you may be pissed when this comes out. I have no inside info or anything, but that line is really worded in a "marketing" way. Here's what I think:

The obvious theme of this add-on is different "worlds" - with the theming inclusions of famous landmarks from across the globe. Could the 50 "new" rides just be themed variations of the existing rides? Now instead of a "carousel" you can choose the "Russian Carousel" or the "Italian Carousel" or the "Chinese Carousel" each with a different look and graphics - see where I'm going with this? Another example would be the Snow Cups ride that was added to RCT 2. Think of that as a teacup ride with "arctic" theme. Maybe the "Chinese Cups" would have a pagoda in the middle with a more elegant cup design to ride in or the "Parisian Cups" would have an Eiffel Tower centerpiece.


A differently themed swinging ship (mid-bottom right) - and beside it is yet another variation of a teacup with different theming.

I think for the most part the 50 "new" rides will be prettied up versions of what we have already - not that it's a bad thing...


Jeff's avatar
Not a bad thing at all. Snow-themed tea cups look kind of stupid in a desert-themed park. ;)

Jeff - Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com - Sillynonsense.com
"Pray that your country undergoes recovery!" - KMFDM

It also seems there may be a new type of watercoaster as well. I just realized this expansion is coming out next week. I will definitely buy it but I do hope there is at least a couple new rides but the theming does look quite cool.

Yeah my homepark is in Albany, NY but I always have 12 hours to go to The Point!

New Entrance! http://www.us.infogrames.com/games/rollercoaster_tycoon_2_ww_pc_strategy/1b.jpg

I only want 4 things in this expansion pack:

Tires that make the coaster trains go faster after they're stopped.

Large half loop on flyers

Less intense corkscrews

Large corkscrews

Mike T.
RCT2 Wizards-Medusa99
I support our troops!

That last screenshot looks like Zoo Tycoon with an "amusement ride" expansion pack. :)

Tales for the L33t

Kick The Sky's avatar
I really wonder how much of what he is putting into this game is "original" content? One of the screenshots had a load of flamingos in various poses that looks an aweful lot like some flamingos I saw someone else upload to the internet about 3 months ago as custom scenery. Some of the other stuff looks a bit too familiar as well....

Bob Hansen

Operation Wicked Twister
Goal: Lose enough weight (50lbs) to ride Wicked Twister in 2K3
Progress: 25 pounds since 1-1-2003

Can't wait...should be a nice addition to the already awesome RCTII

"Enjoy your record-breaking ride on Millennium Force"

Perhaps he had downloaded them and was playing with them, and then forgot to delete them for the screenshot. ;)

If at first don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.

Im not spending 30 dollars on this because im not even going to need to use HALF of those themings.
I've got my reservation for this no matter what it costs.

That and "State of Emergnecy" as well.

Coasterbuzz is stupid...I have to pay money to change the colors here?? I smell a rat!

Lord Gonchnar I hate that you were right but I kinda figured you were when you first posted that. The ONLY good thing about this is that we can now maybe have tea cups and magic carpets without mandatory themes.Plain style.

50 new rides my A$$. But I'll have to but it. I only hope the attractions and theme element limitations have been dramatically raised.


Lord Gonchar's avatar
Yeah, I don't mind the themed ride additions. It almost makes too much sense. I don't know too much about programming but are the scenery limitations set or are they simply limitations of the code? I always assumed that's as much scenery as the game can handle at once, otherwise it'd be silly to just not have all scenery available.


Well I'm am very dissapointed so far with the new things. I have to see more before I spend my money.

All who think Mean Streak needs a match taken to it say I.

So far all I have seen is 1 new flat ride, no new coaster types and a bunch of new scenery elements many of which no one will ever use. This looks to be a dud of an add-on. I'm waiting for some reviews before I buy.


I agree, so far it doesn't look like its worth they $30. Is the programmer oriental? Way too much oriental type theming. The giant size scenery is useless. The theming options of the exisiting rides is a good improvement, but i don't think it warrants $30.

If you are creative, you can build just about any them out of the current scenery. And what was incomplete (the roofs without sides, corner roof pieces, etc), some wonderful people like Toontowner have finished off themselves and put on the internet for all of us to use.

If i ever get focused enough to finish it, i am working on an American themed park with sections for san francisco, cartoons, colonial, frontier, orleans, aviation, science, county fair, alpine, rural, coastal and 50s. I have completed 5 of those areas and have had no problems with getting the feel with the exisiting scenery and the custom roof pieces (which were a huge help). Whats really missing is some of the basic flat rides i would like to have present.

What is the single most requested item on for RCT now? Flat rides. An expansion with basic flat rides will generate more new sales than this unrealistic scenery.
*** This post was edited by super7 5/2/2003 9:03:24 AM ***

The Mole's avatar
That and a Rocket Coaster.

The Mole

Lord Gonchar's avatar
More flat rides have been one of the most requested additions since the first RCT was released. 4 years later and we still don't have them. I have a feeling it's much harder than anyone is willing to give credit for.

Even the few new flats are just variation of existing ones. (snow cups just a pretty scrambler, flying saucers just different bumpercars) I'm guessing that for those they used almost idential code and just switched up the graphics.

There must be something holding back the addition of any major change in the flat ride lineup included. I'd love to see more flats, but it seems to me that they're holding back for a reason (and I don't think it's suspense) - I think the game has limitations.

I don't fault Chris Sawyer or Infogrames - it's still the only game that holds my interest and I'll shell out the $$$ for the additional scenery and themed rides without batting an eye.


Coaster-like flats- Super loop/ring of fire, bayern curve,tumble bug

flats that could be added just changing a few graphics-looping starship,rainbow ,falling star,breakdance,frog hopper,double deck carousel


Well we cant judge It by a couple of screens.

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