A day at PGA 7/26/02 (long)

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Today was an awesome day at PGA! The last time I was at the park was in '99 I think with some friends and I was excited to ride all the new attractions that had been added since then, like: Stealth, Psycho Mouse, Meteor Attack, Delirium, Flying Eagles, etc.

Well, my two friends (one a coaster enthusiast), my dad, and me FINALLY arrived at the park at around 10:15am. We left real early from my house in Rocklin, CA so we could get to the park at 9:30, but we ended up getting lost, but we finally made it.

I was very happy to finally be seeing some of the coasters that I first remember, like Top Gun which was my very first looping coaster I rode when I was only 8 years old! Yikes!

We got into the park with discounted tickets from CSEA and headed straight for Stealth. We got in line for the second to the last row because one of my friends said the back is way better than the front because you really feel the G's. The three of us waited only about 10min. There would have been 4 of us, but my dad didn't go on with us because he was told at the front of the qeue that you have to get a locker for the bag he was carrying and he wasn't up to spending $3 for a locker just to ride a coaster.

We got off stealth and man IT WAS AMAZING! I love this ride now! I was very scared at first, but it was great. My #3 coaster now falling just behind Goliath and Medusa (SFMW). We got off Stealth and went right to Delirium, since it was right across from Stealth. Delirium was fun and you actually catch some air when you swing upwards.

After Delirium we decided to ride Greased Lightnin which was a walk on. We got in the last two rows and it was a pretty fun ride.

Next, we decided to head over to Drop Zone. Drop Zone hardly had any wait so I was very glad because I wasn't up for waiting an hour to go up and fall back down even though its one of the best rides in the park IMO. My friend (coaster enthusiast) had always chickened out whenever it came to Drop ZOne, but we finally got him on it and he LOVED it when he got off. An amazing rush that thing is!

After falling about 200ft, we started feeling hungry so we ate over at that food court next to Drop Zone. We got the popcorn chicken basket and it was actually pretty decent, but very expensive!

After eating lunch, my dad wanted to ride Grizzly even though we told him its not anything to rave about. We got in line which started up at the station where you pick what row you want, but after we waited in line for about 10min and were about two trains away from getting on, something happened and a train got stuck on the lift hill. We all didn't want to wait forever for a "not so great" ride, so we headed over to Demon instead.

Demon didn't have a long wait (15min) and we decided to sit in the last two rows since you fly over the drop and get pulled through the loops. Demon was a good ride too. Not bumpy at all from what I remember. I actually lost my stomach flying down the drop too!

Well, my friends really wanted to do the skycoaster even though we had all done ones before like twice, but it was really expensive. It was $19.95 per person!!! It cost $60 for the three of us to go on it, when the one at MM is like $22 for 3 riders if I remember correctly. Our appointment was made for 6pm, and it was about 2pm right now, so we had about 4 hours to do whatever we wanted before we had to be back there.

After making our appointment, we saw the entrance to Vortex so we decided to take a spin. We waited about 15 or 20min for the front row. Vortex is fun I guess, but rough and short! Its the only beemer I know of that has headbanging! Ouch!

Once our ears stopped bleeding and our heads stopped aching, we bought some shaved ice and sat down for a while. My friends and me really wanted to ride the swings, so we did and it was great! Hehe!

After a spin on the swings (don't know the name of them) we headed over to see how long the wait for Top Gun was, and it was up to where you enter the little "Themed" area. I was really excited to get back on my very first looping coaster and I didn't have to wait long, about 25min for the front row to be exact. Top Gun was an awesome ride! I forgot how intense that thing is! I think it's more intense than Batman The Ride in some ways! Its just way too short, but well worth an hour wait or more IMO.

Next, we took the Delta Skyflyer back towards the back of the park and we got in the short line for Psycho Mouse. We waited about 20min and it was worth the wait. It was my first wild mouse coaster too and I liked it a lot. I like the sharp turns because it really does feel like you are going to fall out or something. The drops gave pretty good airtime too!

Well my friends really wanted to go on Drop Zone again, so we headed back over there and rode it for the second time! Still a great ride!

My dad wanted to do a simulator ride now, so we did Meteor Attack. We were going to do 7th Portal, but my friend had already seen it and said its not that great. Meteor Attack sucked IMO. It would have been better if it was in 3-D, but it still wouldn't have been as good as Star Wars at Disneyland or Dinosphere at MW.

After a dissapointing simulator ride, we got in line for The Orbit which I remembered as being a very fun ride. I love how there is no restraint and just a cage because you can move around and look around a lot more. Fun ride!

Now my dad said he would meet us over at the skycoaster because it was about 5pm now. We didn't want to walk over there this soon, so we went into Splat City I think its called. It might be called something different now, but the last time I was there, thats what it was called I think. We all got pretty wet, but not soaked. I thought it was fun, but they didn't. Haha!

My friend really wanted to go into the Nickelodean area and we saw the Wild Thornberries Bus!!!! It was pretty funny that three 15 year olds would be going into a cartoon bus, but it was all in good fun. After walking through the bus, we saw the Green Mine Slime Coaster (is that what it's called?). We got in line, but the ride op said if we are over the max. height, then we have to be taking a younger kid below on the ride or something like that. We kinda stood around begging her to let us on it, but she just ignored us! How rude!

We left there and started walking back to Extreme Skyflyer and before we knew it we were there and waiting in line to get in. I actually wasn't that nervous since I had done Dive Devil twice at MM already, but I was still kinda skeptical since this one is supposedly 180ft. tall verses MM's 152ft tall Dive Devil. It was an awesome ride though and I love skycoasters even more after each time I ride one!! The first freefall is just utterly amazing! If you haven't done a skycoaster yet, you gotta do one soon because you don't know what ur missin!

By now we only had about an hour and a half left before the park closed, so we decided to head back over and ride Stealth one last time. My dad gave in this time and bought a locker and we began to wait the 40 minute wait. The so called 40 minutes we would have to wait told to us by the employee at the front of the qeue, turned out to be about an hour mainly because these ops were slow as molasses (sp?)!!! We finally got on in the very last row and it was another great ride! My dad suprisingly didn't like it because it got him sick since he couldn't really see where he was going.

Last, but not least, we decided to end the day with one more ride on Drop Zone. It was about 5 min until park closing, so we rushed on over and got in line. We waited about 7min and it was a great way to end an AWESOME day at PGA!

I think PGA is a better park than SFMW now. The atmosphere at PGA is just so much better than MW's and they have more rides and attractions. The crowds weren't bad at all either! I hope to go back to PGA very, very soon!

Six Flags Marine World.......home to the new "not so vertical anymore" V2!

*** This post was edited by Marine World Freak on 7/27/2002. ***

Great tr. I love the atmosphere at PGA as well.

http://sixflagsthrills.tripod.com/sixflagsthrills visit for some great thrills!
"enough is enough"-?

Nice TR!

In 4 Days My 100th Coaster will be HyperSonic XLC

I agree, and I've been saying it all along. I was like everyone else and jumped on the SFMW bandwagon because of the new rides. Well it's not so new anymore and the weaknessess are beginning to show.

PGA on the other hand, is beggining toturn things around. The entrance to the park is as stunning as ever, and the celebration swings add a wonderful touch. With an *awesome* attraction coming next year, PGA will be the place to be! :)

"Escuse me, can you tell me where the heck the Mystery Lodge is"?

I agree with you and Outkast that the atmosphere a PGA is much better. There are a lot more attractions that you can't do at Marine World. Plus Marine World can be done in a half day while at PGA you can easily fill up a full day. Good TR of my previous home park.

Steel: 1)MF, 2)Goliath, 3)Magnum
Wood: 1)Villain, 2)Beast, 3)Roar(SFMW)

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