A couple Face/Off Questions

While the comment is appreciated ( :) ), I don't think you know what comedy is......for REAL comedy, check out CoastaPlaya's posts! He is the originator of the whole pancake fiasco

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

*** This post was edited by Peabody on 1/2/2003. ***

I think you got a little fresh with the "Submit reply" button there, Peabody.

The Other Siebert

I have KNOW idea what that was!!!! But, I'm cleaning it up..... edit: I don't know whether it was my computer of Cbuzz's server, but I didn't even press reply and got 9 posts, each containing one more letter that the last. Oh well....I'm just glad Jeff has that delete post option!

*** This post was edited by Peabody on 1/2/2003. ***

I was wondering if it had been pointed out in another thread already? Are you guy being sarcastic??? That's why I just didn't come out and say: "LOOK! It's CPNUT!!!!"


A one that is not cold, is hardly a one at all.

I think you were the first one to call it this time....at least that I saw.

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

Honestly, how'd you figure it out. Was it the aol email adress?

"I never apologize. I'm sorry but that's just the way I am." -Homer Simpson

Actually, no. That doesn't mean anything. You know how many people here have AOL addresses, myself included?

How did we figure it out? You sounded like yourself. Take that for what it's worth.

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

Yeah, well I saw the topic that got closed and it just hit me. With all that stupidity about a Simpson RCT 2 park and then the stupid aol address......it just kinda hit me..... Then add in 23 post in three days! That's CLASSIC CPNut.


A one that is not cold, is hardly a one at all.

*** This post was edited by eric.walton on 1/2/2003. ***

Homer Simpson said:

Darth Saambe, a little off topic but how old are you?

How could anyone not know it was you. Nobody else would have brought this up, proving once and for all that IHOP is open 24 hours.

CPNut. Stop trying. We are SERIOUSLY getting sick of you. We can tell be your stupid crap posts. Either stop trying or honestly register as yourself and act... uh... (shoot can't find a word) umm.. not... stupid. Just be honest and don't act stupid and post umm... oh jeez... good... posts.


Am I the only one thats lost on the references to pancakes?

Antuan, yes.

SooperGir, we should just stop giving him advice. He is a lost cause! He doesn't get it. Gosh, 23 post in three days!!!!


A one that is not cold, is hardly a one at all.

*** This post was edited by eric.walton on 1/3/2003. ***

Antuan: OK, find a thread in the suggestions forums called "Personal question for Jeff" started by CedarPointNut. After reading that check out "Another Personal question for Jeff" started by 'Playa. (That thread had posts and was closed yesterday) That should give you a good idea. The fiasco continued through MANY other threads.

- "I used to be in the audio/visual club, but I was kicked out because of my views on Vietnam........and I was stealing projectors" - Homer Simpson

*** This post was edited by Peabody on 1/3/2003. ***

Antuan, here's the "Another Personal Question For Jeff", that's the pancake thread: http://coasterbuzz.com/forums/thread.asp?ForumID=20&TopicID=26541

Sorry I got it closed.

The reason I keep trying is because of my love or roller coasters and learning more about them. That's why I post topics like these. Now if you put the past behind you and stop DOING THIS (!!!!) then we can all get back to the way things were in August (before everyone started against me).

EDIT: I read Peabody's post so here, and why the hell am I giving you this, but this is "Personal Question For Jeff" (where it all began...)


EDIT2: Be sure to check out my latest TR:


"I never apologize. I'm sorry but that's just the way I am." -Homer Simpson

*** This post was edited by Homer Simpson on 1/3/2003. ***

You need to take Nate-Dog's advice and "lay low" for a while kiddo!
Or lay low forever preferably.

Säubern Sie mit Milch? ;)

Your TR is one reason why people yell at you. It's great you went to the park, but couldn't ya write a little more? Normally I'm longwinded but not really with TR's. Therefore, I tend to stay away from them.

You've dug yourself into a hole myfriend, one thats gonna take a long time to get out of. Watch what you say a tad bit more. ;) You make other teenagers look like the *** cracks of America.

I have another question for Face/Off. I'm sure you get these questions all the time, but I'm a fan, so I had to ask:

First, did you get a chance to meet John Travolta?

Second, did you give him that 'standard SLC treatment' for doing Battlefield Earth?

Finally, do you like McDonalds? Those colors really bring out your 'eyes'.

Just a couple general comments: I hope you didn't beat Travolta too hard though, because he did do Pulp Fiction. I love your work! Very intense.


Captain Obvious has "issues". I'm Number 2. :)

Koaster King, I THINK that is funny??? I'm not sure if it is or not!? Ummm, I kind of don't understand.

Does anyone else here feel sorry for CPNut? Poor kid. He can't help it that he's so stupid. And if he's still reading, I DON'T hate you, like you said in a previous post. I don't really HATE anyone, that just how I am.

I can pretty much tell who he is by what he says and asks, and the frequency of his posts. It's easy to figure him out by remembering his interests (ie. Homer Simpson...The Simpsons.)

And just so I can keep my post on topic: I enjoy Face Off. Except for the really long line, it has some very nice positive G's.

EDIT!!! I wanted to add that he hasn't done anything wrong here lately...Poor kid.


*** This post was edited by dexter on 1/3/2003. ***

dexter, I guess you missed the mindless ramblings of the thread he started about cloning rides, cloning people and sheep and other nonsense. He pretty much knows better than that, but he keeps on pushing.


A one that is not cold, is hardly a one at all.

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