8/30 Six Flags Great Adventure

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8/30 Six Flags Great Adventure or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying About Repitition Boredom And Love Nitro Again And Again
And so, after a night of absolutely no sleep and running on seven hours of sleep from the night before and a generous portion of caffeine, myself and three friends made a pilgrimage to Great Adventure today.
The day started, of course, with Nitro.  My friend came up with an ingenious way to avoid the huge rush of people hoping to make the big sprint to be the first riders (of course, I won't tell you EXACTLY what we did... ;-) and we ultimately got the first ride, right in the front row.  The morning Nitro session consisted of one front seat ride and two back seat rides.  As usual, the ride did not disappoint.  It was running as smooth as silk, and when I wasn't stapled by overzealous ride ops, the air time was glorious.  It was in this morning run that I finally recognized the difference between the front and back seats...both offered insane amounts of air, but the front seat is graceful floater air, while the back seat offered excellent ejector air, further emphasized, again, by a spacious opening between the lap bar and your lap.
Because of a strange clicking sound that eminated from one particular train at one particular part of Batman The Ride's first loop, my friends were reluctant to ride it.  So we went onward to Roadrunner Railway, the Looney Tunes Seaport kiddie coaster that completed my personal SFGAdv track record!  Then came a quick spin on Skull Mountain, which proved beyond a shadow of a doubt what a little bit of elbow grease and effort can do to a coaster...that's the difference between SF (Skull Mt.) and Disney (Space Mt.).
Then came a ride on the Skyway en route to Medusa.  After meeting up unexpectedly with a close friend (it's a small world after all...) and getting a practically worthless lesson in loud whistling (it's not as easy as just putting your lips together and blowing!) we took our place in the front seat.  Still the superior looping coaster in the park, but something about the ride seems a little too tame...maybe it's the smoothness, I dunno.  I didn't enjoy it nearly as much as Nitro.  Maybe because I wasn't dangerously flying out of my seat!
After lunch, we made the costly mistake of hitting the Great American Scream Machine, where the screams du jour were those of pain (but those on-ride photos sure were funny in retrospect!) until we decided that we needed more Nitro.  Went back and rode three additional times before I decided to take a spin on Stuntman's Freefall, a ride I'd never experienced before.  Ugh.  What a waste of time...those first-gen Intamin freefallers just don't do it anymore, not when you've got S&S Space Shots, Skycoasters, Turbo Forces, and modern ToT- or Gyro Drop-style rides to contend with.
Finally, we took one more spin on Nitro and left for home...but after getting off SFF, I left my friends for a moment to investigate the rumor of Robin's retrofitting...now, we realized at Exit 9 of the NJ Turnpike that we'd forgotten the digital camera, but I can firmly swear on whatever you'd like me to that I DID see the new Robin trains...and they ARE fitted with lap bars!  Alleluia!!  Anyone who wishes to contend with me will find them outside the station, on the left side when looking at the entrance.  The best view of the trains is from the path near the Autobahn, where you can get a tiny glimpse of the orange bars that have been installed...from most other viewpoints, you can't even see ANY restraints, but any enthusiastic Buzzer is SURE to find a way to get a look.  So grab your cameras and take a trip...you won't be disappointed!
Oh, and while you're at it, hit Nitro once, twice, or seven times...it won't hurt!  ;-)
The Luv Monkey has spoken...
NITRO kicks it into high gear...only at Six Flags Great Adventure!
Track Record: 29 and counting...

*** This post was edited by Davie the Luv Monkey on 8/30/2001. ***

Wow, that must have been one really good trip! Next time you have to go on medusa at night! That is one experience you will never forget. Do you think Nitro can use some lights back there or leave it pitch dark? It would be great both ways but I  think the light would add themeing, right?
ha medusa tame?!  nitro is the tamest most lamest put to shamest coaster on the planet, IMO of course :)
Ride SROS......Had to say it...
Umm, for those old freefalls you have to ride them at night 3 or 4 times to get the full effect, i love the old free fall, the one at SFMM rocks
I saw Robin running test laps on Wednesday, 8/29, the day before you were there.  I posted a topic about it.  The best view was in the station!
nitro230ft -- One of my companions felt a little sick around 5:00 and so we left after one last ride on Nitro (around 5:40) so we never got to ride either in the dark.  Also, the park closed at 8:00 yesterday, so even if it had been open, a late ride probably wouldn't have come close to a night ride...and that was what I was really looking forward to!

Apollo15 -- I guess I've been pampered by the new-school freefallers (Dr. Doom's Fearfall, Tower of Terror, etc.)...as far as SFF goes, I liked the unintentional negative-G jolt as the elevator reached the top of the shaft, but the drop just was nothing terribly special to me...of course, I won't write them off forever (I mean, GASM kills me, but I go on it every time I go!) but my first impression was a minor disappointment.  To each his/her own, I guess.

MABrider -- I would've gotten the really good view, but the line was REALLY long.  The queue was outside of the building (which in itself is a 30+ minute guarantee) and filled almost the whole left side of the outside queue.  Now, in the far left corner, there is a handrail you could probably jump on to get a really good view also, but I wasn't in the mood to bother everyone on line for something I couldn't even take pictures of!  God, I hope that thing starts running soon!

I was there today which is the 31 and I saw Robin running test laps and boy I got to say they are some great looking trains. They run very smooth and very quiet.
And I was SUPPOSED to go today!!  But we changed plans because of anticipated Labor Day traffic...DAMN IT!!!
The Luv Monkey has spoken...
NITRO kicks it into high gear...only at Six Flags Great Adventure!
Track Record: 29 and counting...
Wanted to reply since I finally had a  chance to go last Sunday (unplanned surprise trip). GASM is definitely painful this year where it was at least okay in previous years. Maybe it's just a new wheel set that's needed, but I felt beaten up.

As for the first gen free falls, I have to disagree. Love the S&S space shot/space drops, but the intensity of the instant drop gets me. I suspect it has to do with the little bit of room on the first gens instead of the locked-in-your-seat restraints on the S&S rides.


Nitro rocks at night. Enough light to see by, yet the dimness really gives the ride a new feel. Now, if only they could put tunnels on, it would be even better!

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