7 Parks in 7 Days #5 PKD 6/4

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Kind of a washout of a day. It rained almost all day long and there were a lot of school kids to deal with. Unsupervised kids. There was a lot of line jumping going on and the park did not seem too concerned about it. The kids would look for their friends and jump into line or call others into line. They would use their cell phones to call others into the lines also. The rain was hard enough that it stung and really was not enjoyable. I was able to get on everything though.

Their wood coasters are not too bad. The Hurler and the Grizzly were both fun. Rebel Yell was good especially going backwards because the rain was not hitting you in the face. I was going to try the Ghoster Coaster, but did not think that I would be able to get my legs into the train. Looks like a great kiddy coaster.

Flight of fear is a great ride and it was nice to be in out of the rain.

Shock wave let me down a little. I thought it was rough and I only rode it once.

Ricochet is a good wild mouse with a slightly different layout than most.

Anaconda is a good Arrow looper.

Avalanche isn’t too bad. It’s fun. More for kids though.

Volcano the blast coaster was great. I loved it. It was walk on later in the day after all the rug rats left. I was the only one on the train the one time. Strong acceleration and great hang time through the rolls.

Hypersonic finally opened up, I got in line and then it broke. I was able to get on later though. The launch is great; it’s just over too quick. Hint: Keep your head back against the seat the whole time. I pulled mine away after the launch only to have it slammed back into the seat as we went vertical.

I had several rides on Drop Zone. Great ride. I ran out of time last year at PKI and did not get to ride it there. I loved it.

All in all I liked the park and had fun. The rain certainly took away from that and there was nothing the park could do about that. The line jumping also took away from that and the park can do something about it. I told a ride op about it on Volcano and he did nothing about it. It made me look like an A$$ and basically told the kids that it was ok to jump in line. Most of the rides by the time that you got to a point where you could talk to a ride op, the kids who jumped into line already rode and were gone. Maybe they are just understaffed now and things will improve. *** Edited 6/7/2004 3:45:13 PM UTC by CP ismyhome***

#1 Steel: Sky Rush
#1 Wood: Voyage
#1Park: Holiday World

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