6 to close at Kennywood, 6/30/04(part 1 of 3 part trip)

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So I was in Pittsburgh visiting relatives like ive done nearly every year since I was just a little kid. And every year ive gone, we've gone to KW. Ive grown up with Kennywood, Kennywood's grown up with me. I have very fond memories of this park, and im hoping for many more to come. I feel lucky to have relatives out that way, because otherwise I would probably never have gotten to Kennywood in my life, especially considering its over 500 miles from where I live in Illinois.

Since my family and I have been to KW so many times over the years, and since we were going to 2 other parks on this trip, we decided to go cheap and my brother and I decided to just go in the evening and get the 13.95 evening passes KW now offers, while our parents decided to get General Admission. Ive said it once, and I'll say it many more times: It can be hell getting to Kennywood. Luckily, a relative of mine, after hearing we would be heading there during rush hours, told us to leave at least an hour and a half early, and so we did, and so it paid off big time. There was a 3 car accident on that interstate heading east out of Pittsburgh, cant remember the name, anywho, we heard on the Radio that it happened near the Swissvale exit, which is the KW exit we were going to need to take. The traffic was backed up almost all the way to downtown, and we knew that even though we left so early, we were never going to get to KW anywhere near 6, which is when their evening entrance starts. We took the first exit we could, and now the fun began. We knew we had to get across the river, and after some driving through a lot of other traffic(a lot of people were trying to get off the interstate), we finally got over the river, hit KW boluvard, and after some slow moving traffic there as well, we finally got to KW at about 6:10, which wasnt bad all things considered. I havent had the best of luck with traffic around KW the last couple of years, back in 2001 the bridge near KW was closed because someone jumped off of it, and we ended up taking and extra hour and a half to get there that time also.

Anyways, I was just glad to be in the park. First thing my bro and I did was Garfields nightmare, just to see what it was like, not because both of us really wanted to ride it. I was totally aginst this idea right from the begining, and I still am, but to a lesser degree. It did bring new life to a old ride, but I honestly dont see the new life lasting very long. If they dont re-theme again in a couple of years, I see this ride being as unpopular as it was. But at least they didnt mess with the boats or the path the ride travels or anything like that. And its still a national historic landmark.

Next was of course Jack Rabbit. About a 10minute wait. A relatively boring ride except for that double dip, which more than makes up for the rest of the ride. Pure airtime bliss. Theres no better airtime out there, with those restraints, as non exsistant as they are.

Racer was another 10 minute wait. I dont understand why people dont hand slap anymore. Makes me feel like an idiot reaching my hand out there for nothing. But anyways, more airtime than I remember it having. Not an airtime machine,but Definatley a decent ride from start to finish.

Caught a ride on Swing Around. This has always been one of my favorite flat rides ever, not sure why, just always enjoyed it. Afterwards got on Thunderbolt, which was only running one train, which was dissapointing because it couldve made a 15 minute wait into a 5 minute wait. Tbolt was as good as ever, never get a bad ride on this thing. Gold Rusher was next, ive always liked this one despite what other people say. It has some effects ive always found scary, especially the spider and the low flying bats. Noah's Ark was the same as its been. You have got to love this walkthrough, it has so many neat little gags you wont find anywhere else. Did Enterprise next, your standard ride of this type, but a good ride it is. I was glad to see that King Kahuna wasnt soaking people this year, and that it was actually SPINNING!. I didnt ride it last year because of the water, but got on this year and it delivered a pretty good ride.

Got in line for Phantoms Revenge next. It still confuses me why they dont run more than one train on this thing. I dont care if the line is 1 hour, 30 minutes, or 10 minutes, 2 trains should be ran. Did they put those trims on it for nothing? Other parks run 2 trains even if the wait is short, I dont see why KW cant do the same with their rides. And the wait was over 30mins, I think thats plenty long enough to call for 2 train operation anyways. Anywho, got in line around 9 and got on sometime after 9:30. I noticed shorty before I got on, they they had closed the line off...seemed a little early to me, especially since the park seemed plenty crowded still. The fireworks were going off as we were going up the lift hill, which was very neat. This thing is an amazing ride, hasnt lost a bit of its fun since it opened. The smoothness and the airtime are amazing. I still havent experienced ejector air quite like this, on any other coaster. Got off and was hoping to get a ride on Exterminator, but alas it had just closed for the night. This was all happening at about 9:45, still seems a bit early as I think about it now, but KW does their own thing when it comes to closing times, that I know quite well. Did catch one last ride on Pitt Fall, which was amazing. Still my favorite drop ride. They need to get that broken side fixed though, its one of the 2 better sides to be on, IMO. By this time all the rides in the park seemd to be closing or have allready closed. Now I couldnt be entirely sure, but when KW is relativley crowded(which it seemed to be), dont they usually close later than this, like around 11? Anyway, it was a great evening overall, but there were a few things I wouldnt liked to have done, like night rides on the other coasters, and Exterminator. But I wont complain, KW impressed again overall. Still a great bargain, cheap food(not the mention the best), and the park was clean, and employees seemed to do their job a little better then last year.

Also Check out Part 2, Hersheypark, and Part 3, Cedar Point, as soon as I have it done.

Hersheypark: http://www.coasterbuzz.com/forum.aspx?mode=thread&TopicID=38703

Cedar Point: http://www.coasterbuzz.com/forum.aspx?mode=thread&TopicID=38756

*** Edited 7/8/2004 10:39:43 PM UTC by stljason1*** *** Edited 7/8/2004 10:40:03 PM UTC by stljason1*** *** Edited 7/10/2004 10:23:37 PM UTC by stljason1***

The Millenium Force ride Ops: Squishing you where it counts since 2000. Track Record: 89 coasters
I haven't figured out what goes on with PR. Sometimes it's one train, other times it's two. There have been mornings when it's one train and you can see someone doing maintenance on the other then they add it later in the day. I have only been to the park once this year and everything was one train operation in the morning and two train operation in the afternoon. As for the racer, it varies. Sometimes everyone is hand slapping and other times they look at you like your crazy. Sorry you didn't get on the Exterminator, that's one of my favorites.

#1 Steel: Sky Rush
#1 Wood: Voyage
#1Park: Holiday World

The park probably shut down early because of the Victorian Days fireworks. Fireworks at an amusement park usually signal the end of the day, so that's probably what was up with that.

Brett, Resident Launch Whore Anti-Enthusiast (the undiplomatic one)
eightdotthree's avatar
The pr crew is really lazy for one thing. They move really slow when there is only one train, and then when they close the line early they start to hustle so they can go home. Very frustrating, especially when you are there with the evening pass.

If the park is busy they do usually stay open until 11pm, but you never know. They seriously need to improve their system of annoucing the closing time since there arent speakers all around the park.

Now the PR crew did not seem lazy to me. They seemd to do their job just as well as anywhere, and even with the one train operation, the line moved halfway decently. But I do agree with you about the announcement system, I never heard an announcement. Although I have heard it before.

The Millenium Force ride Ops: Squishing you where it counts since 2000. Track Record: 89 coasters
You can't really miss the Goodbye song. They play it at the end of the night (at least they used to). Ahhhh Kennywood. Im still anticipating taking my family there this summer. Its been years since I have been there.

I can totally relate to growing up at kennywood.

Hopefully my family will find it as magical as I did!

Don't feel like an idiot. I at least still slap hands on the Racer, but have noticed at times over the last few years that I seem to be the only one doing it or after I do it other people join in.

eightdotthree said:

If the park is busy they do usually stay open until 11pm, but you never know. They seriously need to improve their system of annoucing the closing time since there arent speakers all around the park.

This year the park did improve on announcing the closing time. The park used to announce the closing time just one time, but this year they announce the closing time serveral times.

On the Phantom's Revenge and Thunderbolt you never really see two train operation until the line goes back far enough for two train operation. I know the one day I was working it was very busy and they put a second train on the Phantom around 12:30.

The legend continues

Heatherw said:
You can't really miss the Goodbye song. They play it at the end of the night (at least they used to).

I'm pretty sure they still do. *** Edited 7/9/2004 1:23:08 AM UTC by carrouseler***

KpExpress said:

This year the park did improve on announcing the closing time. The park used to announce the closing time just one time, but this year they announce the closing time serveral times.

I always remember the park announcing close at least two-three times before warning. Its easier to hear some places than other.

KW Team Member

beeman65 said:

I always remember the park announcing close at least two-three times before warning. Its easier to hear some places than other.

You could be right about that, I didn't work during the regular season last year, so you would know more then I would. I talked to Maryann in the office who usually is the "Voice of Kennywood" and she said this year they announce the closing time alot more, so that way if your in a dead spot (where there aren't any speakers) or you happen to just be on a ride at the time...your probley hear it announced again. ( I didn't ask, but I think this year they announce the closing time alot ealier) I've heard the closing time as early as 7:30 before.

The legend continues
kpjb's avatar
They announce it about every hour after it is decided.


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