6-6-02 SFWOA

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We all left my friends house at 10!! (there was 10 of us) When we got there the line for Season Passes Processing was so long so we decided to go into the park and go do that later!! We first headed over to Superman!! We took the fastest seat we could get!! It was so fun to watch people put there heads forward and have it slammed against the seat!!

Big Dipper I love this ride I rode in the front!!! I love it soooo much!!!

After we headed over to Serial THriller!! Even though I hate this ride!! When we got to the station we realized it was completly full!! Why wouldnt they run both trains???? We ended up waiting an hour to ride even though the park was basically emtpy!! One thing I did notice waiting was that they do enforce the line jumping rule!! They removed two people cutting!! So when we did finally get to ride I rode in front!! It is a fun ride but not worth waiting an hour to ride!!

After that we rode the Serial Thriller we rode the Silverbullet!! In which I got really dizzy!! Never look back at your friends on this ride I learned that!!
Batman!! No wait only for front which we waited for!! I love this ride so much!!

Villian had a long wait so my friend and I went to the arcade and then to the Log Ride which had no wait at all since it was so cold!! So I rode that three times over the day!!!

Rode Mr Hydes two times

RWB once and thats all you need to!

Merry Oldies they need to fix the peddles they are so stiff!!

I did not ride X-Flight but most of my friends did so I went and got my pass processed. Then I went with a friend and rode Mind Erasor!! Blah!

My one friend and I went back to Villian where there was no line to speak of and waited for the front!!

Another thing I learned was never to eat Taco Bell and go on Mind Erasor (again)!!

So our day was almost over since they closed at 7 so we rode Superman one more time this time I decided to ride in the front since I never been in the front seat on that coaster!! Wow that was the coolest thing so see the track end right in front of you!!!

SO that was my day at SFWOA!! I never went on the Wildlife side!! But oh well I will go back soon!!

Next trip to a park will be Disney in two weeks!!!!

Great enthusiasm, but fewer exclamation points, please.

Proud CB club member

Can we please begin a capacity thread again, right here on this one? Please, please??

"After we headed over to Serial THriller!! Even though I hate this ride!! When we got to the station we realized it was completly full!! Why wouldnt they run both trains???? We ended up waiting an hour to ride even though the park was basically emtpy!!"

And now it's June and it still doesn't matter. Wear, tear, crowds, service, you just won't get maximum riding time at this park.

There's nothing like a woodie...

ok sorry for the exlamation points blah! is that too many?
An hour for Serial Thriller. You must be tripping.
I agree,why would you wait an hour for Seriel Thriller?I went there last summer and would not wait that long for X-Flight.I am just glad that every thing that day was walk on(although the employees left a lot to be desired,remember this was LAST summer).The rides were good but I have been on better I just hope when and if I go back to SF:WOA I have a better time.

Pugsly,The Coaster Jester Of Cedar Point.

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