5/24/94 SIx Flags Darien Lake.

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This was my first trip ever to Six Flags Darien Lake. I have wanted to go in the past, but never made it up there. I knew that SMROS would not be running but I wanted to get my season pass before I went on vacation next week. I arrived at the park a little late and the lines to get in were long, a lot of schools having their physics day. I purchased my season pass and finally made it into the park. First ride was Mind Eraser in the back. Great ride.

Next off was Viper. Not bad for an Arrow looper. I like to tunnel at the end. After exiting Viper, I just had to try Ranger after having watched it for so long in line. Great ride, I loved it. Just watch your head as you enter the car because I banged mine pretty good.

I walked past Boomerang because the line was fairly long and headed over to Pedator. The line was long and there was only one train running. The second train is not even put together on the maintenance track yet, it is sitting behind the station. I rode in the back and got some good air. After riding in the front seat later, I think I like the front better on this ride.

After taking some pictures of SMROS, I got an Italian sausage sandwich and some fries. Not bad. After eating, the line for Boomerang had dwindled down so I took a lap on it, a few more on Predator and two last rides on Mind Eraser before heading home.

SFDL is a great little park and is worth another visit. When there aren't as many schools there. ;) *** Edited 5/25/2004 9:13:08 PM UTC by CP ismyhome***

#1 Steel: Sky Rush
#1 Wood: Voyage
#1Park: Holiday World

Ride of Steel's avatar
Glad you had fun. To bad you didn't go the week of 15-16 because there were no lines at all. I hopped on Mind Eraser and rode it 5 times without getting off!

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