5/22 - Physics trip

Associated parks:

I was so happy to take my fourth trip to the park this year. It was in the middle of the week before most schools were out and I had a feeling it wasn't going to be too crowded.

We arrived a little later than I had hoped, and when we were in the park, Superman already had a line. So my group went and did our measurements on Rue Le Dodge(we picked the easiest rides we could think of) and then went to check out the Superman line. By now it was past 10:00 and the line still hadn't moved. It turns out that Superman had a long breakdown during morning testing and that it didn't open untill a short while after 11.

My group and I took advantage of the people waiting for superman and we walked onto Raging Bull, Giant Drop, American Eagle, waited 10 min for Iron Wolf, A quick spin on East River Crawler, and then we finally got inline for Superman. It turns out we only waited about 40min to ride. (I timed the line from braniac to the station and it was 35min) We got on and I rode in the money seat.

After Superman we went and had some pasta from Angelo's. I took full advantage of the all you can pile on your plate. One person even took a mini pizza and covered it with pasta and got the pizza for free. Next we went on Rue Le Dodge again. we had met up with some more friends and they hadn't gone on it yet. After that we decided to get in line for superman again. another 35min wait. Next we went over to Batman and waited 10 min. One train has the wheel covers on and the others look as if they have just been repainted. They were sitting just behind the station.

After Batman, I met up with some more friends and we went on Chubasco. I almost got sick, but I was still ok. We then went on the newly dubbed "Cow Swings" (Ricochet). After that we headed around the park and saw that Whizzer was a walkon so we rode that. This group hadn't been on Superman yet, so I conned them into going on it. My third time on the ride today and my 10th ride this season. I still can't get enough of that loop. Also this time we rode towards the front. I think I am so used to the back going around the horseshoe turns that I was surprised at how much more you felt them in the front.

After Superman we were heading to Roaring Rapids. I didn't really want to go on, but everyone else did. On the way I mentioned going on East River Crawler. We went on ERC, then headed back to RR. We get off the ride and we are already 5 min late to get on to our bus. So fully drenched in water, we ran to the bus lots and got on and came home.

It was a beautiful day, and the park was pretty much empty. The lines were very short.

Couple Things I've noticed:
1. New signs in the building at the beginning of Superman's line. They depict each of superman's abilities. Not a bad addition.

2. Still no canopies over ride lines except for superman. Dd they take them all down and paint them yellow?

3. Superman having problems in the mornings, then once it warms up, runs great all day.

Can't wait for my next trip up to Gurnee. I hope it's real soon.

It's my time to Fly! - URGE - Titan A. E.
Is it yours?
Superman: Ultimate Flight
SFGam 2003

I agree that it has breakdowns in the morning. On 5/10 that's what happened. It lasted about 15 min. though.

This was my first trip where superman wasn't open by 10:30.

It's my time to Fly! - URGE - Titan A. E.
Is it yours?
Superman: Ultimate Flight
SFGam 2003

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