5/13/03 - The TTD experience (long) CP trip part

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As a rabid CP enthusiast who makes it out to the Point about 3 times a year, I have waited with much excitment for my first trip of the year. Ever since I was at HalloWeekends last year and saw the yellow tower being built, the TTD has been almost an obsession, as has this website I might add. With the park's opening this season, and the subsequent trip reports, my burning desire to experience the Dragster had reached almost a fever pitch. So at last the time arrived to make the trip, and this is my story....

I left Lansing MI with my wife and her two younger sisters to make the 3 hr. trip down to CP at 4:00 in the afternoon on Tuesday, May 13th. Due to some construction slow downs, we didn't actually arrive in the Sandusky area until 7:30. It was amazing that as we drove up US-250 towards Sandusky, we could actually see both MF and TTD from about 10 mins. away. Needless to say, that was pretty exciting! We arrived at CP and quickly got our season passes processed, with no wait time there.

Then, at 7:45 we entered the park and went straight back to the TTD, even though we didn't see it running. Just as we arrived at the ride, we saw a train zoom by, so we got in line. I don't know if it was down temporarilly or what, but it was running now and that's all that mattered. The sign said it was a 3 and a half hour wait, and a worker said about 3 hrs. but when we actually arrived at the station, it had only been 2 hrs. The park had long since closed, and it was now dark out, but we were ready to ride the Dragster!

My wife and I got in the front of car 4, which was the second to the last car, and my sisters in law got in the back of car 3, right in front of us. We were in the second of the two trains taken out to the launch area, so we were able to see the train in front of us blast away. By this time, my wife was seriously freaking, and I think her sisters were a little too! I had observed the pattern that the christmas tree had followed during the previous lauches, so as we moved into the launching area I prepared myself. Previously, the pre-launch lights had always gone off, and then the train shifted back slightly, and then the countdown lights came on and the train blasted away on green. However, while I was sitting there watching the christmas tree show the pre-lauch lights, I felt the train make the shift back, and then all of a sudden I realized: it was about to go. Sure enough, while the pre-launch lights were still on, the countdown lights came on, and away we went. It was awesome to feel the speed as we shot forward, and then all of a sudden we were up the hill and coming over, and I caught a glimpse of the MF hill lit up in rainbow colors below me. Immediately, we shot down, twisting through the yellow supprts, and shooting into the break run. As we approached the unloading platform, there was nothing to do but whoop it up. What an exhilerating experience! When we got out onto the platform, this girl who was riding in front of my sisters in law, hugged them both in joy, much to their surprise. I was glad that she did not do so to me however. So that was it. I had rode the TTD, and my wait was over. We purchased the pictures to commemorate the event, and left the park on quite the high at 10:00.

We had wanted to eat at Friday's, but they closed at 10, so we went and checked in to the Breakers Express. After that was done we grabbed a bite to eat over at Dianne's Deli in Sandusky (I'm pretty sure that's what it's called). They have the biggest sandwhiches I have ever eaten there, and they are very good. I recommend it highly to anyone going to Sandusky who likes sandwhiches and burgers. After that, we returned to the Breakers Express, and went to bed, eagerly awaiting our full day at CP, and still rellishing our ride on the TTD.

The staff at the gate when we got in the line for Dragster had told us that it would be down the following morning for commercials, so we were glad we got on it that night. We thought it was pretty poor to shut down their key new attraction for a whole morning, but at least we knew that going into the day. I feel bad for all those who didn't have a clue until they got there that day. But whatever....

As this is already long, I am going to end this post, and continue with my interesting day at the Point Wednesday the 14th in another post I'll write soon. As you can tell from some other posters, the 14th was a less than ideal day for a CP trip, and my day was interesting as well. So I hope this didn't bore you, and look forward to filling you in on MY 5/14/03 CP experience shortly. Take care and God bless!

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