4th RCT2 code found!

The name is Nancy Stillwagon. It was found by David Ellis at the Infogrames forums. I will not reveal what the code does (ruins the fun!), but I will give a hint.

Hint : The action only occurs in a queue and affects guests on the same tile as the guest named Nancy Stillwagon is on.

Edit: The action does not effect the guest named Nancy Stillwagon.
*** This post was edited by Rollerfreak83 4/30/2003 1:53:43 PM ***
*** This post was edited by Rollerfreak83 4/30/2003 3:03:47 PM ***

Ummm just wondering... what are the other 3 Easter Eggs? One is Elissa White, I think. What are the other 2? Or are they just Chris Sawyer, Simon Foster etc...
Special Guest Names for RCT2:

Elissa White- thinks"I'm so excited-It's an Intamin Ride"

Andy Hine- thinks "nice ride but not as good as the Phoenix" after he gets off the ride.

David Ellis-thinks "and here we are on...<ride name here>" when the ride starts.

Lastly, Nancy Stillwagon is the final name for the RCT2 secret codes. I will not be giving the action for this name just yet. I want people to find it first rather than me telling the action because it is more rewarding and fun.
*** This post was edited by Rollerfreak83 4/30/2003 2:10:57 PM ***
*** This post was edited by Rollerfreak83 4/30/2003 3:01:18 PM ***

Sawblade5's avatar
FYI I tried the Nancy Stillwagon And it works everywhere she goes not just in the que. Just watch what the other peeps do around her. I was LMAO. :-)

Chris Knight
Be sure to download my latest NL Wooden Looping Coaster creation Dream Blast. Updated for NL 1.3!

So what does this easter egg do that's so funny anyhow?

I'm not really interested in typing the name into the game just yet until I find out just what it does,I think it has to do with the guest saying something which results in everyone leaving the queue.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
I did it and I have no idea what the people around her are supposed to be doing. Looks like a weird combination of sneezing and break dancing.

Why do I care?


That is the most STUPID thing I've ever seen.

But hey, we've found our FOURTH easter egg! There's one more, if I remember right.

Guess who's back... MIA JON!
The Po!nt Forums - http://www.thepointol.com/~thepointforums

what are the whit things that the people get when nancy goes past, i dont understand?
what are the white things that the people get when nancy goes past, i dont understand?
Sorry i hit reply twice because i made a mistake then hit stop and hit reply again. Didnt mean to do that
The "Edit" button is your friend... :)

If at first don't succeed, find out if the loser gets anything.

I tried, but what exactly is she doing to the guests.

What exactly are the guests doing when they see her.

I ahve no idea what they are supposed to do, will someone please tell me?!

I'm about to give away what it is that this easter egg does, so don't read any further if you wish to remain clueless about what it does:

The guests that walk past her get Ice Cream.

Uhh......that's it?
Ohh...... I didn't ever notice the ice cream. Thanks SFGAdv lover.
SFGAdv lover is correct. She gives guests that come within one tile of her Ice Cream. SawBlade5 is correct that this also happens outside of the queue. However, the guests appear to lose the ice cream after they get 2-3 tiles away from her unless they are eating something else. This is why it works better in a queue because the people are stuck around her for a longer period of time. Also, I tested the name on the Staff and the name also works on them.

I realize that some of you might be skeptic of me because I have only 3 posts and am therefore a "newbie" on this forum. I have, however, been visiting this forum since before RCT2 was released. I just think that the fun is spoiled when someone is told the answer. I am not trying to post fake names just to cause trouble.

MiAJon, there are only four new special guest names in RCT2.

Lord Gonchar's avatar
I was certain the white things were handkerchiefs and that the people sneezed in some sort of bizarre choreographed sequence.

Maybe my imagination is too active...

...or maybe that totally useless - even for an easter egg.


This is sweet (and just posting this so myu account doesn't get ddeleted).

I shall have to try this. How do you find these "Easter Eggs" anyway? Are you that bored, or is there an easier way?

Coasterbuzz is stupid...I have to pay money to change the colors here?? I smell a rat!

Actually you don't have to post to keep your account, you just have to log in.

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