4 parks in 3 days CP6/13-6/14 Part 2

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After a few hours at SFWOA, I was ready to head over to CP. I got a few rides that night at CP. I went to check out WT but it was down. After that I went to Raptor and waited about 10 minutes because the crew was working hard filling every seat and not stacking the trains. After that I did get a night ride on MF which just blew my away with its speed and nice floater airtime. I also headed over to Magnum to get in three night rides which were pumping out great airtime. I was in heaven. I rode the ejector seat all three times. I also got on the last train of the night which was cool. Also congratulations to the Magnum crew who were also doing a great job at filling every seat.

Day 2: Got in an hour early because I was staying at the Breakers which I would later regret. I got on MF with a 15 minute wait and then went and rode Mantis when the park opened. Again the CP amaze me at how fast they work. Mantis did have some minor stacking but thats because the ops have to unlock and reposition almost every row every train but still are efficient. Then after that I headed over to WT for two rides with less than 15 minute waits. WT is decent and the back spike is very intense and disorienting but I still prefer the holding brake on V2. After that I rode the revamped DT which I thought has some pretty darn good theming for CP. After that I headed over to Magnum for a few rides but noticed two train op. The red train had its second car seats and molding off. All that was left were the floor and the labars. They really needed that train but no one was around to work on it all day which later disappoints me. After a full day of riding coasters with 3 MF rides and 3 Magnum rides I tired and went back to the Breakers and went to sleep at 11. Suddenly in the middle of the night I was awaken by the fire alarm that was going off. I stepped out of my room and smelled smoke and immediatly left. I had to leave my room and the whole Breakers Tower was evacuated at 2:00 in the morning. People were standing outside in their PJs for 30 minutes before they let people in again. It was quite scary especially for parents with younger children and the fire trucks racing up to the hotel with there lights and sirens. Well it turned out to be someone was smoking a cigarette in the hallway. Well since I didn't have anything better to do I notice the red train had been put back together in less than 3 hours. Why could maintence do that during the day? Oh well CP still does run their park better than SFWOA.

Favorite Wood: Viper at SFGAM,Shivering Timbers
Favorie Steel: Magnum and Raging Bull

That sucks about breakers. Other than the fire is it a good hotel w/ good perks? I'm going in July and staying there.

2002 Ride Count: S:ROS 4, Predator 3, Viper 2, ME 1, Boomerang 2,Kraken 8, SWF 10
Check out CoastNY at coastny.cjb.net

Breakers is very nice hotel and I think its worth the extra cash because of how close it is to the park and the early admittance. Also the packages do give you some very good discounts. Also you have access to the beach which is nice too.

Favorite Wood: Viper at SFGAM,Shivering Timbers
Favorie Steel: Magnum and Raging Bull

Thanks for the info. Last time we stayed at....umm....The Radison. It was nice but I would rather wake up to seeing Millennium Force or Wicked Twister out my window than the Fridays Restaruant. The first time I went (1998) I stayed at this hotel right next to this train track. Has anyone else been there? It was recomendded by the author who wrote The Rollercoaster Companion. The funny thing was that when my dad called for a reservation and questions he mentioned that it was recommended in a coaster book and they told my dad the author was standing write there in the lobby! Actually the hotel was a dump. It was a motel and all night every 1/2 hour all we heard was the train. After going to CP for our 2nd day instead of staying there and sleeping at the motel we left to clevelend and stayed at a nice, comfortable, and QUIET Hampton Inn. I love those places...

2002 Ride Count: S:ROS 4, Predator 3, Viper 2, ME 1, Boomerang 2,Kraken 8, SWF 10
Check out CoastNY at coastny.cjb.net

Oh yeah I looked at the bill in the mail and whoa! I'm like "Dad, you are paying $250 to sleep?" I give him and my family credit for putting up with my coaster obsession. Although I always beg him for 3 days (or more like a week) at CP he, my mom, and my bro can only handle 2 before going insane. You don't know how annoyed my dad was every time (22 times) we went on Magnum when that spiel went over and over and over.... "welcome to the magnum xl 200 please keep your hands and arms inside the ride and all times. please lower your lapbar and fasten your seatbelt because we'll be bringing you up 205 feet droppin you down 194 feet at a 60 degree angle. You'll be reachin the speed of 72 mph and we'll see you back here in approximaely 2:30 so hang on tight have fun and enjoy your ride!" knock..knock knock....knock knock knock...."CLEAR!" It especially annoyed him with the same guy who said that in about 10 seconds really really really fast.

2002 Ride Count: S:ROS 4, Predator 3, Viper 2, ME 1, Boomerang 2,Kraken 8, SWF 10
Check out CoastNY at coastny.cjb.net

*** This post was edited by Superdude on 6/18/2002. ***

CPLady's avatar

CP ops are required to do those spiels. You think your dad was tired of it...imagine the poor ride op who has to say it for every single train!

I agree staying on the point is expensive, but I love the convenience, especially for my husband who can only handle so many coaster rides before he's burned out. This way he can go back to the room while I continue to ride.

Well worth the money IMO

I'd rather die living than live like I'm dead

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