4 hours of Kennywood fun, 20 awesome rides (9/29)

Last weekend I had the ability to visit Kennywood for my first visit since July 2019. I went to have a good time, especially since I drove 4 hours from Toledo to go. I got to the park at opening (noon) and went right to skyrocket. I rode in the front and it's top hat is as good as I remember, rivaling TT2's airtime. After I went over to Phantom's Revenge, where I would ride it 7 times without needing to get off. I could have gone for more rides, but I got hungry and went for lunch.

After lunch, I would go on to ride Old Mill, Jackrabbit, and both sides of racer. By this time, and announcement was made. The announcement? "Kennywood will close at 4pm due to inclement weather." This gave me 2 hours to make the most of it. Riding Thunderbolt, Exterminator, Ghostly Manor, Turtle, and Kangaroo, this would put me at 3:15. I would take a few minutes to look at the giftshops, and get one more lap on Skyrocket and 2 more laps on phantoms, even being on the last train of the day.

My overall rides for the day were:

-Skyrocket x2

-Phantom's x9

-Old Mill


-Racer x2


-Ghostly Manor




The park probably had less than 2,000 people in it total. It was a really dead day. I was more bummed about not doing the haunts than missing steel curtain, mostly because I got a chance to ride it in 2019. My thoughts on every coaster I rerode (all except for Exterminator, that was new for me) lived up to my memory of the respective ride, or exceeded it. Skyrocket feels like the perfect step-up coaster from Jackrabbit and Racer, and Phantom's is just downright insane in the back. Racer is charming, and I enjoy its design, and Jackrabbit has the scariest moment of airtime I have ever encountered. (And I've ridden coasters in India!)

I enjoyed this park a lot. Since they gave a return ticket to me and a friend I made (who would give me his ticket as he has no plans to come back) I plan to try and go back, and bring my dad with me. I wish I had at least 8 hours in the park, especially since I drove so far for the day, but I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Counting down the days until I'm back at Cedar Point, the one and only place to be.

eightdotthree's avatar

Alexander James:

Kennywood will close at 4pm due to inclement weather.

The park probably had less than 2,000 people in it total. It was a really dead day.


At the risk of being made fun of I think they may have f*cked around and found out this season. They close early for weather often so why would anyone bother making the trip if it even looks like it might rain. It was overcast but there wasn't any rain in the afternoon or any forecast for the evening. I was on my way at around 6 when my wife checked Instagram and found out. We only live 15 minutes away so no big deal but still. We don't have many more opportunities for Fright Nights so we were making an actual effort to get out that night.

Sorry you drove all that way but at least you got a return ticket. It is nice that they do that.

Funny thing is it didn't rain AT ALL while I was there. It was just overcast. Genuinely confused.

Counting down the days until I'm back at Cedar Point, the one and only place to be.

eightdotthree's avatar

That’s what’s so disappointing. It was a nearly perfect fall day. I wonder if they would be better off opening on Thursday night rather all day Sunday.

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