4-6-02 Carowinds

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I hit Carowinds for the third time this season. I arrived at the park about 10 minutes before opening, and met David Drake (AKA CoasterDave) at the back gate. We hit Top Gun for ERT and picked up a good many rides before we saw Robb Alvey, Elissa White, and Derek Ruth make it into the station. We waited for them and met up with Patrick Wells. After a total of 10 rides for me that morning on Top Gun, the 6 of us headed for Ricochet.

Carowinds appears to be experimenting with Ricochet's brakes: this time, thankfully ALL of the top level brakes (including the last one) were off, but a couple brakes on the lower levels were on that were not before. We then hit the Flying Super Saturator which was not running with the water on (except for the hand pumps), due to the temperature. We rode and were allowed to stay on, then exited. Derek manned one of the water pumps and got a nice blast onto an oncoming car. A very angry mother exited with her young son, explaining (very harshly) that he had a cast. After Robb informed her that it WAS a water ride (you WILL get wet, the signs say), she flipped us off and marched away. How fun :)

Next, we took over the last car of the Goldrusher for some fun then went to the Carolina Cyclone. The Cyclone was running great as usual. Drop Zone was next, and it is still exciting as well. Next, we waited for the Hurler and noticed that one of the ops was wearing a RRC button (I believe his name was Travis). We spoke to him for a moment and he said he remembered that I attended media day.

We ate lunch in Carolina Boardwalk, with me grabbing a BBQ sandwich plate from the new Outer Hanks walk-up restaurant. The sandwich was suprisingly good, and the fries weren't bad either. Following lunch, Patrick and his dad (who joined us for a moment after lunch) headed over to the skycoaster. Unfortunately, we did not catch back up with them again. The line at Vortex was long so we headed to Animation Station. Scooby Doo and Taxi Jam were both packed so we headed for Thunder Road.

Thunder Road was running excellent today. Riding near the back on the fowards side, the ride was very smooth with small bits of airtime here and there, and a great first drop. The backwards side was running just as well.

We wandered into the arcade near Wings so Robb, Elissa, and Derek could play DDR. Damn. I don't think I could play like that if I practiced for 2 years. They draw quite a crowd :P. I personally will try playing on beginner mode when the arcade is empty ;)

Robb, Elissa, and Derek wanted to ride Vortex, so we waited in line for about 30 minutes. We saw two other ACErs in line and said hi to them. Vortex was the same as always, which is not very good. We were all pretty tired by then, and since some had a drive to make (Robb, Elissa, and Derek were headed back to SFoG), we headed for the exit. After another round of DDR and Robb and Elissa shooting videos of Top Gun, we parted and went our seperate ways.

It was a pleasure to meet Robb, Elissa, and Derek for the first time, and being with other enthusiasts really makes the day better. I have a lot of photos from my 3 visits to the park this spring that I will post soon. I will probably head back next Saturday morning for an hour or two just to ride Top Gun and maybe *gasp* try DDR.

|| Jonathan Hawkins ||

Good report! I which I was good at DDR!

So what is better? SFMM or CP? I don't care! They both have 29 coasters between them that they build so we can have a good time!

does anybody ride the hurler when they go to carowinds?
We rode it once yesterday and I usually ride it a lot more. It is my second favorite ride in the park,next to Top Gun.

|| Jonathan Hawkins ||

I do. I find it a lot smoother than the one at PKD. It is a pretty fun ride with some good airtime but I do miss the Waynes World theming.

Yes! I try ride Hurler every time I visit Carowinds. I also agree with GhettoCoaster, the Wayne's World theming was most "excellent."


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