3d ride images?

what program do most ride design companies use to make images like this

(Moser - Twin Flip)


I've tried 3d studio max with no success.

Ride Design is my Specialty
Maybe you should ask Keith, aka Badnitrus...

He uses 3D Studio Max and he makes it look goooood.

It's still me, here from the beginning back in 1999. Add 1500+ posts to the number I have in the info section if you care about such things.
It's probably just a rendering made from within a CAD program.

How do you make them? Get a degree in engineering or mechanical drafting.


Rctycoon2k's avatar
doesn't take a degree to make them in either 3DSM or CAD... hell, i was making wooden coasters in CAD during my CAD class in 3d. They might be using AutoDesk though, its a lot easier and has more features... both by the same company though...

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

3d studio max is incredibly hard, so im gonna look into Autodesk.

Ride Design is my Specialty
I use Autodesk Inventor at my school...for those not familiar with it it's a 3D drafting program. Certain things require some practice to be able to do them, but it's not too hard to use. When I'm not working on my classwork, I like to mess around with it and build things, like the coaster car assembly I'm working on now. The problem with this program is it requires quite the large amount of RAM and proccessing speed which isn't available on the typical desktop computer. For example, the computers my school uses to run the program work fine when dealing with single parts and small assemblies, but they get bogged down fast with big projects, like the TTD model I wasn't able to finish. Of course, you're not going to just go pick this program up for funsies as it costs around $5,000 and requires a fairly fast machine.

"Find yourself a dream and, when you find it, chase it like a bull chasing a rodeo clown; don't give that clown an inch, not one inch" -Sean Kelly
By make them, I meant..umm...make them. Not pretend... Not make things that look kinda like them. Make the real thing.

Why bother trying to copy how something looks when you can be learning how it works?


Because proffesionally making drawings of amusement rides is a relatively small field...besides, you can make awfully realistic models on the computer, it's just hard to come by exact specs of rides to make exact replicas. I do plan on pursuing a degree in either mechanical eng. or civil eng., so while I won't be making coasters, I'll be using similar stuff in other fields.

"Find yourself a dream and, when you find it, chase it like a bull chasing a rodeo clown; don't give that clown an inch, not one inch" -Sean Kelly
no no... I dont plan on making replica's, I plan on designing my own ride ideas.

I have tons of them drawn own, but I want to be able to take a portfolio around with with 3d image sof the rides.

mantis, I already have all the tech. specs. so I dont have to guess.

Ride Design is my Specialty
Chernabog - I plan on making them in real life!

Ride Design is my Specialty
Tried to get ahold of you on aim, but you won't answer. Please IM me at RCPatentPrAx when you have the time. Thanks. By the way, check your email.

k-16 said:
Chernabog - I plan on making them in real life!

So you plan on getting an engineering degree! Good!


K-16, 3ds Max isn't really that hard, you just need to learn it. Go get a book from the library to introduce yourself to it, then I think you'll discover that it's quite an enjoyable tool. You really only need to get some basics down and you'll be having a ball with it.

If after that you still feel 3ds Max is too hard for you, you may want to reconsider engineering rides (that's assumed since you say you want to actually make these rides). Engineering isn't "easy."

But seriously, just get a book on 3ds Max, learn the basics, and you should be allright.

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