37 New Deja'Vu Test Pics at SFoG!!!!!

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for 31 pics of Deja'Vu testing at SFoG. It also includes 6 movies of full testing.


*** This post was edited by X Marks The Spot on 6/14/2001. *** *** This post was edited by X Marks The Spot on 6/14/2001. ***
That looks insane! I just might have to go to Georgia this year.
Or Illinois, or California.

""Coaster riding is a disease and SFGAm is the cure!!!!!!!""
Or all three:)_
I wonder what the loud crack was that he talks about the sound heard during the Cobra Roll. I have my theories - I Wonder.

Any guesses?


wow all i can say is WOW!!! that thing is going to be insane when your pulled up looking straight down i cant imagine what thats going to be like. well i have to day i cant wait for this thing to open at sfgam if it ever does but i cant wait to see it come on Delay ja vu
I think the trains have their own brakes on board. So I think they did that on purpose they did it before during testing.

Also..there is a pic of how the loop's interior is lined with brakes..probably the same with the cobra roll...If that is it, it would explain the loud crack noise he heard..

Mindbender...Can you hear the Riddler chuckling?
Cool! This is going to awesome! I like the pic of the Paramount ketchup...hehehe

SFGAm: SCREAM. THRILL. REPEAT. Two New Coasters in 2001!
Which coaster (out of the 3) will open last?

My guess SFGAM.


Excellent Pictures, and I see that you were at SFoG when Acrophobia opened, so was I, I guess we might of seen each other.

SP we hardly knew Ye

When is the next time you are going back to get more pics and movies? Do you think you can get a movie of Acraphobia?

"Warning! You WILL get wet... You may get drenched."
-Perilous Plunge

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