24 hours parks

Why is it that parks are only open for like 7am or later to 12 midnight or earlier? Why can't a park be 24 hours. If we can buy gas, and eat at Denny's all night then why can't we ride coasters all night? This is one of my biggest problems with the amusement industry. Is there anywhere that you can ride a coaster all night long?

Is it Opening Day Yet?
Oh are the few coasters in Las Vegas open all night? I'm going there in Late April and I wanna really know.

Is it Opening Day Yet? *** This post was edited by Goober on 3/29/2001. ***
john peck's avatar
Most of the coasters in Vegas close about 10pm. I don't know about the High Roller.
"Autobots: Transform and roll out!"
It would make it a bit difficult for maintenance to do their thing,wouldn't it?
Goober it is called maintance. also who would want to work all night so a few coaster enthusiest could ride rollercoasters. Another things is you would have a few freaks try to live in the park or go for two days. IT is also impartical for parks to stay open 24 hours. attendence would be extremely low and they would have to hire 1 if not 2 more shifts. What about waterparks two. Goober just be grateful parks keep the hours they do. IT is for the better of every one .
I can see the bad side of a 24-hour park, people would never leave and that could get ripe. But a nice compromise would be Fri and Sat stay open until 2 a.m. I hate SFGAdv's opening time of 10 a.m. The morning's halfway gone by 10!! If I can be to work Mon-Fri at 8:30, then GA can surely open at 8:30 too, even if only on the weekends! Heck, I'd arrive at 7 a.m. if they'd open then and I bet a lot of others would too!
You have to think of the staffing for the park, though. While CP does keep some of the largest crews, it gets really rough on everyone working 60-70+ hours toward mid-August before the hours drop down to 8pm. Many parks employ college-aged students for a large percentage of their workforce, and there's no way you'd be able to staff round-the-clock for any length of time. It might make a cool media event, something like a 24-hour-coaster-a-thon for charity or something, but otherwise I don't think it would be practical.

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
kpjb's avatar

Many parks are governed in to their closing times. Kennywood regularly stays open until midnight, but no matter what the crowd CANNOT stay open later, it's against the law. I'm not sure if that's local or for the entire state of PA, though. I'm sure that most parks with "neighbors" have some sort of ruling like this.
I refuse to add a signature. Damn, too late.
Just watch behind the scnece of Universal Studios you'll se why they close, they really don't!
If parks were open 24 hours, you could stay there forever for the price of one admission ticket...

Home Park: Knotts Berry Farm!
but also Disneyland and DCA
Apparently Thorpe Park in England did do a 24hr Trial Opening once, and although it proved quite popular, they had Huge Problems with people taking advantage of the offer(staying longer than normal etc) And problems with Security in the park when trying to get rid of guests. So in the end, it didnt last long.
i Have to agree with Todd i saw behind the scense of universal studios. and the Park never Sleeps they Just close for a few Hours to Gte food Ready and Costumes rides etc fixed for the next morning. becuase the prk after they close the gatees still has to have sercurity serch the park for peopel still eating or hiding etc. so that prop runs 3 hrs after they close plus the extra 1hr they wait till peopel leave after the rides close. so the pakrs close but for whatto get things better ANd SAFE for the park goers the flowing day. but i do think that parks should open a lil erilyer and close a lil later pending on Dates.for instaNCE OPEN aT 8AM CLOASE AT 12AM on weekends im sure if they did they would penafit form it by making more money aswell and it seems liek ifu dont leave to a park erily u dont have alot of time to ride the ridess. and its not our falts its the parks for letting so many peopel in! but even if they cant raise the park hours they should lower the time they open till erlyer time! becuase after all they do have all night and most of the morning. as for 24 hour parks thats not goo dit would be like RCT the day nevers ends and the parkwould always be jamed packed with peopel who wont leave also the park will lose money!
Actually, there is a grand tradition of parks operating all night long. Well...it kind of depends on what you mean by "operating." Of course, frequently the only thing open late late at night is the lunch counter in a hotel or a food joint someplace...

But the biggest issues are necessary downtime for maintenance (note the proper spelling) and of course the need for staffing. The problem of people overstaying their welcome is overcome through the use of wristbands or handstamps with a particular expiration time on them. I know Oaks Park and Indiana Beach both have less-than-all-day POP ride pass programs, though Oaks Park seems to be a trifle better organized about it.

--Dave Althoff, Jr.

Who thinks there are places where an all-night park could work, subject to certain caveats...

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