20,000th on Excellerator

How many times do I have to post not to copy and paste articles here? Link to them... that's what the Web does! -J

*** Edited 1/22/2007 5:24:57 PM UTC by Jeff***

Jeff's avatar
I guess it's better than being a crack addict. I guess.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

He's also an environmentally-friendly coaster nut since he rides his bike back and forth to the park. I've met people who keep track of how many times they've been on a ride. Some record on paper, and some by spreadsheet or other electronic method.

I guess the question I've never understood is--why? Do they bring their numbers to enthusiast events and try to one-up each other? Who are the numbers for?

The people I've met who record have been really nice people, but they're just slightly off-kilter in one way or another.

Intamin Fan said:

The people I've met who record have been really nice people, but they're just slightly off-kilter in one way or another.

Aren't we all "just slightly off-kilter" here? :) The first step is to admit it, then we can begin the healing. Oh wait, we don't WANT to be healed! ;)


You have disturbed the forbidden temple, now-you-will-pay!!!

matt.'s avatar
It's just a compulsion like list making or any other. I can enjoy the satisfaction from knowing you've ridden something such-and-such times.

Back in 1997 (good lord I was 14) I rode the Raven what I think was around 40 times in one day. But I really wish I knew exactly. *shrug* *** Edited 1/22/2007 7:48:16 PM UTC by matt.***

I don't get it. WIth no disrespect to the fellow, I think it's sad. To me my life would seem so hollow and empty if I invested so much of my time doing that. It's kind of like, what do you have to show for it, you know?

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
boblogone's avatar
According to the article he has a jacket and a certificate to show for it. ;)
rollergator's avatar
In his defense, SOME of that (the counting aspect) is actually *encouraged* by park staff looking for an angle to get more free publicity. I know *someone* who was asked to keep tallying laps on Nitro for this reason...on a slow news day, GAdv might get a FREE mention at 6pm because some crazed lunatic has, say, 1,000 rides.

I know there's a few rides I've ridden...."alot of times". Sorry, I can't be any more specific than that... ;)

coasterqueenTRN's avatar
^I agree with you, Jeff. Actually I know a few enthusiasts who do the same. Their "tally sheets" are more important than life itself. ;)

God forbid if you make fun of them, like I am now. ;)


matt.'s avatar
I heard Gonch is close to his 1000th ride on Nitro.
I thought Cedar Fair had a strict no re-rides policy, but the article said this:

"Most of the crew knows Richard, especially at Xcelerator," said ride operator Josie Hernandez, 35, who usually lets him stay seated for repeat trips if the crowds are light."

I know at Dorney even if no one is in the station, they don't let you re-ride and have heard the same thing being reported at other CF parks.

I keep track of how many times I have been on a coaster not to brag about it or anything, just because I want to know how many times I have been on each coaster and figure out which is my most ridden coaster, which is my least ridden coaster etc.

Yeh, Knotts doesn't care if you re-ride. It's really weird. When I was there last September there were no lines for anything and we just stayed on Xcelerator over and over.

Jeff's avatar

Peabody said:
I don't get it. WIth no disrespect to the fellow, I think it's sad.
I was going to say that, but figured it would have less sting if someone else did it first. :) I'm not really a hater, and I try not to judge, but in my own journey of looking for meaning in life, anything I take a lot of time to do better have some impact on the world in some fashion.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

I think this is a good accomplishment because this thing has been around now for about 4 years and around 5,000 rides a year, this dude must be riding this thing everyday or something.

I got the calculator out and if he rode every single day of the year for 4 years he would have to ride it more than 13 times a day but i know this isnt true because I did 30+ rides on BTR at SFNO easily, but still congrats.

Bolliger/Mabillard for President in '08 NOT Dinn/Summers

Lord Gonchar's avatar

matt. said:
I heard Gonch is close to his 1000th ride on Nitro.

Heh. :)

I think you have a couple extra zeroes there.

ApolloAndy's avatar
See my sig.

Hobbes: "What's the point of attaching a number to everything you do?"
Calvin: "If your numbers go up, it means you're having more fun."

Jason Hammond's avatar
I always loved your sig Apollo... Oh how I miss Calvin and Hobbes.

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Jeff said:

Peabody said:
I don't get it. WIth no disrespect to the fellow, I think it's sad.
I was going to say that, but figured it would have less sting if someone else did it first. I'm not really a hater, and I try not to judge, but in my own journey of looking for meaning in life, anything I take a lot of time to do better have some impact on the world in some fashion.

Get real - 99% of what you and I do has very little impact on the world. I read your blog. Does your watching 24 and reruns of Alias impact the world? The guy gets pleasure from riding this coaster and he certainly doesn't seem to be hurting anyone, so why pick at him? He just chooses to use his free time one way and you another. It may be a bit different, but I wouldn't call it sad without knowing more about this person.

Jeff's avatar
Well I guess if you read my blog, you know everything about me. You're awesome.

Jeff - Editor - CoasterBuzz.com - My Blog

Mamoosh's avatar
Is that the key to being awesome? Damn...better get reading! ;)

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