2 days at GLP

Associated parks:

as posted on zerognetwork

Okay well I got off work at 4:30pm on Thursday and was staying for ride night so I changed and clocked out. First ride I hit up.

Thunder Hawk

This ride is so slow on the front. I don't really care for this ride much at all. The only really good part of this ride is the foot choppers. They are way to hard on the brakes at the end. Oh on Thurs. it was running the green train and Friday it was running the red.

Front-7/10 Back-8/10


I cannot express how awesome this ride is. You absolutely have to sit on one of the outer seats on this ride. I need to break this ride down into back and front.

Front- If you love speed and the wind in your hair the front is the place for you.

Back-If you love airtime and looking at the ground when going upside down then the back is for you.

I give the whole ride a 10/10.

Raging Wolf Bobs

This is my favorite wood coaster-in the back. The front of this ride is so sllllllooooooooowww. The back you get awesome airtime and it is just fun. I give this ride a 9.5/10.

The Villian

I like this ride, but am not a huge fan. I hate the front of this ride. The front is way tooo rough for my liking, but some people like it rough. The back comes off the track and it is so scary. I have to rate this front and back.

Front 4/10 Back 9/10


Well I actually braved this ride again after almost getting sick on it a few weeks ago. Boy, was it worth it. This is another ride where sitting on the outside is a must. and This is also another ride where front or back is different.

Front-A little slower and not as intense going upside down. You barely get dizzy on the front.

Back- Wow! That's all I can say. You go super fast and you get super dizzy. This is worse than riding head spin. And try riding it twice in a row. Front then back.



Head Spin

This ride is so awesome in the front. The back is cool, but the front you feel like you will fall out and crash to the ground. I love when you go backwards and upside down in the front because you stare straight at the ground.



Big Dipper

I dunno how good the front is cuz I rode in back. Just make sure you seatbelt is on tight, but not very tight because it will ram into your stomach. Also make sure your seatbelt isn't too loose because then you will hit your knees on the lap bar everytime you go down a hill. I have never been on a coaster where you are out of your seat everytime you go down a hill. Until I rode big dipper.

I love this ride and it was my first coaster ever. Rode it back when I was 6 and I didn't get scared of coasters til I was 8(but that's a long story so I'll just rate the coaster)

I give BD a 10/10. This was an awesome Woodie.

Double Loop

You have to ride on the back otherwise you will be bored out of your mind. This is a great starter coaster, but the back might be just a tad too intense for the little ones.

I give DL a 7/10.

Steel Venom was down all day Thursday and all Day Friday. I heard it was down most of the day today too.

Well I combined Thurs and Fri. I also hit up some flat rides and got some grub in the park. Oh yeah and GL has the worlds fattest squirrel. If you look by the All American Grille you will see and animal that resembles a woodchuck/gopher. That is actually a Giant Squirrel.

Well I guess that ends my fun two days.

Peace ~ELLEN~~

~~~~Coaster Lover~~~~~~~~~~

Good TR.

Sorry we couldnt go to Michigans Adventure. Glad to hear you got some fun this weekend.

Resident Arrow Dynamics Whore

yeah well on friday I took my mom and dad to the park..well I think I got my mom over her reluctantness to coasters when I took her on the back of Double Loop, then the back of Dominator. She didn't really like villan because seh got beat up too much. My dad loved it there too...but of course he would because he is part of a coaster loving family. Well I hope you get well soon and let me know for sure what day you and Aunt sue are going to Hearshey.

~~~~Coaster Lover~~~~~~~~~~

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