1st Coaster Fix of 2002 at SFA 4-27-02.

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rail junkie's avatar
My Buddies picked me up at 9:30 am.We arrived at SFA around 10:45 am.Our first order of the day is a wild ride on Wild One because of it's 85th anniversary.Wild One's line was a walk on and they had problems with it.As we were waiting in line Wild one got stuck going up the lift hill.They said that it would be about 10-15 minute wait.So we waited and waited and the they said it would be 1-2 hours before they could run the train.So we would check back later.So we decided to TAKE in a flight on Superman Ride Of Steel and it's line were notto bad butb thw line for the front seat was long so we got in the 3rd row.and it was great getting back to another season of flight on Superman Ride of Steel.After a great flight on Ride of Steel it bwas off for a flight on Batwing And it's lines were very very long because they were only running one trian.As we were waiting in line Batwing gets stuck going up the lift hill.The ride operator said they didn't know how long it will be before it was up and running.So we waited & waited and finnaly they got it going.We just thought that they would have to test and retest the Batwing train but we werr dead wrong.After they uload the train they reload it without testing it.We finnaly got on ther Batwing after waiting for about an hour.After a Cool flight we took a pizza break at Casa de Pizza nextbto Two Face The Flip Side witch we didn't ride it all day.Because the lines were long and the SFA closes at 6:00pm.We headed back to Wild One for another crack and as we walked up the ramp once again it got stuck on the lift hill.Sop we will try it again later.So we started in heading for Roar witch the lines were not to bad we waited about 15 minutes for the front seat.It was Cool getting back on Roar since last season.Now it's off for a flat rid on Flying Carosel and itb was a walk on.Then it's another crack for Wild One.As they say third time is a charm we got in line and waited about 20 minutes and finnaly we got on Wild One.In the front seat.Itn was very awsome ride.They had added some new wood to Wild One.The Joker'sJinx was still down and they have the yellow train in and they have to put it together and then test and test it.They are still waiting for the Purple train to get here.We also rode Mind Eraser and the line were not to bad we only waited about 15 minutes for the front seat.So it's off for another flat ride this time a ride on Iron Eagle.It was a walk on.Then it was another flight on Superman Ride Of Steel this time we waited for the front seat.And we both got lots of air time.Now we are going to end our 1st run of SFA with another flight on Batwing.Again the lines were long again do to running 1 train.As we were waiting in line Batwing got stuck on the lift hill again.But this thime they test and test the train about fouur time beforeb they let people on.I'lll rate this 1st trip to SFA a 100 percent even though there were break downs on Batwing &n Wild One.
Sounds like fun. Those couple of break-downs were just pre-seaosn bugs. As if the coasters are just "waking" up from their winter sleep. It will get better as the season gets going. My mother is getting our season passes tomorrow, so I can't wait to get down there when I get come in May.
Good luck getting your season passes done scoaster,I'd recommend getting the pass proccessing out of the way before the season starts however because it makes it much easier to get in the park as well as not having to go back during the day to get it done.Maybe we'll get lucky on our next SFA trip and Batwing will be up to at least two train operation & hopefully fewer breakdowns,when you stop by Wild one be sure to take a gander at the new sign it sure looks great.
Two things a) paragraph breaks and b) proof-read and/or spell check what you've written before you hit submit reply. It makes it really hard to read what you've written when there are so many mistakes.
The word "definitely" is definitely the most misspelled word on the buzz.
Ill be there sat. getting my pass processed an d riding rides for the first time this season!

Maryland coasters


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