I have got a 1964 cp map with no tears and is still folded like it origanly was when my great grandma got it. I would like to know how much it is worth. ( not planning to sell anytime soon) Here is a brief description. It has pictures of Blue Streak, Mill Race, Double Sky wheel, Stage coach adventure, Riverboat cruise, Authentic cival war train crossing into wonderland, 1910 cadilacs, Turnpike cars, And the Cedar Point Monerail. It says the coliseum had a penny arcde and the 19th hole lounge. In kiddieland you recieve 9 rides for a dollar. Breakers has a 1,000 rooms. The official title is Cedar Point Family Finderland. Fun way and the beach were open from may 23rd to labor day and Hotel Breakers was open from june 6th to labor day. If you have any questions or comments please tell.
TTD was built
TTD was broke
TTD is alive