1964 Cedar Point Map

I have got a 1964 cp map with no tears and is still folded like it origanly was when my great grandma got it. I would like to know how much it is worth. ( not planning to sell anytime soon) Here is a brief description. It has pictures of Blue Streak, Mill Race, Double Sky wheel, Stage coach adventure, Riverboat cruise, Authentic cival war train crossing into wonderland, 1910 cadilacs, Turnpike cars, And the Cedar Point Monerail. It says the coliseum had a penny arcde and the 19th hole lounge. In kiddieland you recieve 9 rides for a dollar. Breakers has a 1,000 rooms. The official title is Cedar Point Family Finderland. Fun way and the beach were open from may 23rd to labor day and Hotel Breakers was open from june 6th to labor day. If you have any questions or comments please tell.

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Is their a way you could scan the map so we all could see it? If not I understand.
Sorry I don't think so.

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Isn't that a facinating map?! Amazing how it has changed. My family has maps from every year back through 1960, plus many from the 20s and 30s. (You should see my dad's house....it makes the CP town Hall museum look lame :) I can't even count the number of late 1800s/early 1900s glassware he has..I think over 400!

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
Gemini's avatar
I've got a 1964 map on my web site, though it's a bit different than what CP Dude has. This 1966 brochure also has a park map.

CP Dude - your map would probably fetch anywhere between $25-$75 on eBay.

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz

And, and for price...I would suspect that it would fetch about $20-35 on ebay. I have seen souvineers from the late 1800s/early 1900s for several hundred dollars. Anything after 1945 or so is "modern" and isn't worth a whole lot (If a souvineer is from Boeckling's era, etc. it's probably worth a deent deal to collectors), so you don't have anything that's really valuable, but keep it...you have a nice find on your hands :)

Real Cbuzz quote of the day - "The classes i take in collage are so mor adcanced then u could imagen. Dont talk about my emglihs" - Adamforce
I didn't know CP had a monorail (though I haven't looked too closely at their history). What was it like? Actually elevated or similar to Disney's, or pretty small scale vehicles? I see the loop wasn't too big on the map.
Gemini's avatar
Here are a couple of monorail pictures. Link 1 Link 2

Walt Schmidt - Co-Publisher, PointBuzz

Rctycoon2k's avatar
These are some of the times I wish I could go back in time and look at things as they were back then... It would be so interesting to go back to some of the amusement parks when they were younger and had less...

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

The picture of the monerail that I have is in color and is swinging over tree tops.

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Than you Gemini for the map and the monorail pictures. If you ever what to see some old Kings Isladn pictures just tell me.

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