10/14/02 at SFGAM

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Me and SFGAMfreak1169 went to SFGAM not very crouded. The first ride we headed for was the raging bull.It took about an hour and when we were next to get on The turquise train got stuck at the top of the lifthill. It took about 10 min. to get going again.After that we finnaly got ride. great ride 10/10.

After the bull we headed for Deja Vu. IT was about a 45 min wait and once again it gets dealayed for about 10 min.We finnaly got are ride very fun ride 10/10

Then we went over to the Iron Wolf only a 15 minute wait. When we were inline I asked the ride operater what are new ride is going to be and she said that it was for SF ohio but I dont think they would take it out of the trucks and put it in the imploie parking lot.When we got on we saw a lot of the track and is 100% a b&m.prettie good ride 71/2 out of 10 although I was happy to see the new track.

After that we went over to v2 waited about 15 min but I couldnt ride because I really had to pee so bad i thought i wold pee on the ride it sucked.

Once I went to the bathroom we headed over to toards viper.35 minute wait not to bad got 1.3 7/10

The last ride we went to was Batman very short line for batman 25 minutes 2nd row very fun and lots of gs.

Over all Iwas glad I went today but cind of mad because frightfest has like nothing anymore.

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