1 Answer to this question

I can't think of the site where the guy makes computer animated videos and photos of the coasters...do you know what I'm talking about? He made Xcelerator, TTD, Silver Bullet, and lots of others, but I just can't remember the site. If you listed it it would be most appreciated, its just lost in my brain somwhere.

"I'm wondering, if another woman, is really the answer we need." Pick the scabs & Pick the Bleeding
Badnitrus Productions. *** Edited 9/30/2004 10:44:02 PM UTC by SFgadvMAN***
...and the website is?

I'm looking for an address please....

"I'm wondering, if another woman, is really the answer we need." Pick the scabs & Pick the Bleeding
He sucks... have you seen his Superman Krypton Coaster video?
thanks a lot...

^Wait what? Dude, the the guy has made videos for Knotts Berry Farm, I dunno how you can get much better than that!

I appreciate them a lot...I think they're impressive.

"I'm wondering, if another woman, is really the answer we need." Pick the scabs & Pick the Bleeding
Rctycoon2k's avatar
Homey, you forgot that everybody takes everything on the board without the sarcasm tags as truth, didn't you?

Shaun Rajewski
Founder, Lead Developer
Epic Web Studios, LLC

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