1-2 Woodies

I finally got the chance to visit Holiday World and ride their two great woodies. From my view, I'd say that this park has one of the best 2 wooden coaster combinations in the country, second only to PKI's "Son of Beast, Beast" combo. Are there any other parks that anyone here would put in that upper tier? Maybe Knoebel's?
Hersheypark has a great combo. Lightning Racers, Wildcat, and Comet. What could be better than a classic wood, an awesome wood twister,and a twisting racer. Hershey has great wooden coasters.
Get Caught by the Cat!
at Hersheypark
Holiday World is simply the best park I have been to. How is it that this park is 2 for 2 in brilliant wooden coasters, while most major parks don't even have 1 that is more than just *ok*.
Six Flags America has a killer combination of the Wild One and Roar. Both great and exact oposites of one another in terms of style.

Six Flags America IS a Six Flags park!
The winner here is Knoebels with the Phoenix and Twister.Tthe Phoenix has tons of air time thruout the whole ride. Twister is full of strong laterals and a few pops of air. These two coasters compliment each other perfectly if the one doesn't have what your looking for in a coaster the other has it.
Parks hit for 2000!
I'll be going to Holiday World this month, but believe me when I tell you that The Beast pales in comparison to SOB. It's that much better. I can't imagine a better 1-2 punch.
If they took the trim brakes off of the American Eagle like it used to be then SFGAm would have a great 1-2 punch with Eagle and Viper. Just looked at another coaster site and today in history the American Eagle(1981) and Blue streak(1964) opened. Happy birthday to both woodies. *** This post was edited by Chitown on 5/23/2000. ***
Kennywood's Thunderbolt and Jack Rabbit offer two different rides, each having the best factors of a woodie. Thunderbolt is rough and Jack Rabbit is the undisputed King of Airtime.
After riding the Raven and Legend this weekend I'd say Holiday World does have the best one two punch of woodies of any park. Even better than Knoebels or PKI.

Parks hit for 2000!
PKD,BGW,Knoebels,Dorney,Hershey,PKI,HW,SFKK,SFA, Camden
SFGAm - The American Eagle and The Viper! ;)

DÉJÀ VU – Fast Forward…Blast Backwards!
A second vote for central PA...

Knoebels: Pheonix and Twister
Hersheypark: Comet, Wildcat and Lightning Racer

Oh the good old days... when superheros were superheros and coasters were coasters...
Coasterpunk and I always seem to agree that Knoebels has the best 1-2 punch when it comes to wooden coasters! If you can't find what you're looking for in a wooden coaster there, you're not going to find it.
Blackpool Pleasure Beach - The Grand National, and the Big Dipper. Plus the wooden Wild Mouse, the Rollercoaster, and the Zipper Dipper - that's FIVE woodies.

In the US, I would say SFOG - the Georgia Cyclone and the GASM - airtime heaven.

I'm doing Kneobels and Hershey in June :-)

May/June 2001 - 16 parks in 18 days!!!
Talk about Resurrecting an old topic.



wow, this is an old one. Without a doubt i would have to say Legend and Raven at HW!!!
I dinna cry when me own father was hung for stealing a pig. But I'll cry now.- Willie
If I use Mitch's poll (widely considered definitive for enthusiasts, then the top 5 1-2s world wide are...)

1. Silverwood (Tremors #5, Timber Terror #15)
2. Holiday World (Raven #9, Legend #16)
3. Knoebels (Phoenix #12, Twister #25)
4. Hershey (Lightning Racer #20 and 22, Wildcat #40)
5. Six Flags America (Wild One #39, Roar #49)

By Coastercount.com's listing (similar mechanism, different group):

1. Holiday World (#4, #6)
2. Knoebels (#9, #33)

Silverwood had insufficient voters to list Tremors

Amusement Today has Holiday World with Raven and Legend.
Hard to choose for me. I got BOSS and Screechin' Eagle at SFStL. I also got Wildcat and Comet over at Hershey (I liked Comet better than LR). Big Dipper is awesome but Villain isn't too good. I lean towards SFStL.
"This song's for stupid girls," A NEW FOUND GLORY-Boy Crazy
Where was:

SixFlagsWoA with Big Dipper/The Villan
SixFlagsoGeorgia with Georgia Cyclone/GASM

These are 4 really good woodies too

Dayuum, Your HOT!
staticman00's avatar
I have not been there, but Silverwood looks to have a mean 1-2 punch with Tremors and Timber Terror. Two world-class CCI's with unique layouts, and some mean lookin airtime. That first drop/tunnel/speedbump on Tremors looks amazing, too.

"God help us, our lives are in the hands of engineers..."
Soggy's avatar
One of these days I will do a roadtrip to Silverwood, those two look AWESOME.

From what I have actually been on, Holiday World wins the "1-2 woodie punch" award from me.

"X" marks the spot in 2001!

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