Talon: mid-course brakes?!

I was just checking out the arial photos of Talon @ DP on CoasterEvents.com and noticed a little shack on the S-bend, which appears to be a mid-course brake run. Now from my understanding, there never were plans for a brake run. I'm not sure if I'm just behind, but can someone enlighten me on the topic?
Jeff's avatar
Little shack? You must be mistaken. There isn't a flat piece of track on Talon and there's no need for a block if there are only two trains.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
I thought there were mid course brakes before it hit the immelman?
Jeff's avatar
That's a trim, yes, but it doesn't mean that it will be used. Batman at SFWoA has one leading into the cobra roll, but as far as I know, it has never been used.

Mid-course brakes are intended to stop a train from entering the next block if the train ahead hasn't left it.

They will generally bleed off a little speed as well, but there is a good reason for it. Keep in mind that the rides are designed so a train stopped at the mid-course block can complete the course from a dead stop. To compensate, and keep the trains arriving at a consistent interval, the trains are generally slowed a bit through the block.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
That's right, there is a trim right before the immallmen, but that is it as far as breaks go. Talon is really starting to come along and the station area is really nice too. If you go to the Dorney Park website, they have pictures up of the trains being loaded onto the station. Even though they say the pictures were taken on the 25th, I highly doubt that, because I saw a full train in the station platform when I drove past two weeks ago. Has anyone else/seen any new happenings with Talon?

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