Nest on Drachen Fire

I went to BGW yesterday, and I rode the train. While passing DF I saw a nest right on the top corkscrew and what looked to be and owl in it. Could this be why the havn't opened my baby? Also all of the boxes are out of the train.

Drachen Fire, Will it be swimming with the fishies?
I think they would find a way to remove the nest. I know they haven't closed a coaster for two seasons because of a birds nest.
Actually this could have something to do with it. I don't know how it is for owls, but there is a bald eagles nest a few houses down from me. Construction on a road into a new development was forced to stop as nothing can be messed within a certain amount of space to the tree until nesting season ends.

"I traded my soul for a ride on Millennium Force"
I thought the the nest on Drachen fire was a bald eagle nest.
No, how would a bald eagle get up there? All the baldies at the park are hurt so they are flightless. It really looked like an owl, its head was really round and flat...

Drachen Fire, Will it be swimming with the fishies?
I also have heard before that it is a bald eagle's nest.

Here is where I heard it...

I'd Rather Be Riding Rollercoasters *** This post was edited by FloridaCoasterRider on 4/14/2001. ***
Mindbender, you know, a healthy bird could have flown there... so, if it is an eagle, thats probably what it did.

V2, Deja Vu... how can it be better? Add Viper! Oh, wait. It's already there!
Bald eagles are really rather common in the mid-altlantic region these days. There are many nests in my county in Maryland, and they are often seen scavaging on the roads in additon to fishing at the usual spots. However, I don't think that birds nests have anything to do with Drachen Fires SBNO status. This could easily be taken care of in the off season.

Drachen Fire simply doesn't fit at BGW. It is a flat ground head banger while every other coaster in the park is a super smooth terrain coaster. (Except of course the mouse which is just super smooth.) The typical BGW customer would take one ride on DF and then mentally down grade the park a notch while they searched for their Tylenol, *** This post was edited by Jim Fisher on 4/14/2001. ***

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