Hypersonic XLC not first of type. Right?

I saw in my local paper that Hypersonic at PKD is the first coaster of air-powered vertical type, and the first to have rubber tires filled with air. Wasn't Thrust Air 2k the first coaster of this type. TA2K has air filled wheels. Is it still up or was it just a prototype
Jeff's avatar
It's just a prototype. I don't know if they left it up, but I do recall seeing in the photos that they left the prototype of one of the drop towers up. Perhaps they'll do the same with that ride.

I think the article's point is that PKD's is the first real live production ride intended for the public.

Webmaster/Admin - CoasterBuzz.com
All I know that I hope it's not the last of it's kind ;)
I second that, DWeaver.
I think that Wired article talked about the prototype in Utah heading to PKD with some modifications, like the bunny hill, and higher pull-out on the drop side of the big hill. I hope I don't start any arguments about whether it's a different coaster or not, but I think that TA2K and Hypersonic are the same ride, with some modifications made for the installation in VA.
Anyone know otherwise?
I would agree with you. I haven't seen any recent footage of the Utah prototype. The ride was originally due to be installed at PGA, and the guys from S&S did state that it was the prototype, so I can only assume that it's the same one that now sits at PKD. Slightly modified of course. *** This post was edited by DWeaver on 3/22/2001. ***
S&S is so smart building their prototypes, THEN going to the parks.
Mongoose, I would think that its much easier for S&S to build there prototypes at the the factory (versus other manufactures) because of the simplicity and small foot print of their rides. Thats why you dont see many large scale proto types built. Though, Arrow built and tested a basic model of the 4D and the pipeline. Once again, small foot print. Now, something like S:TE, IMHO that's quite hard to test anyplace other then onsite. *** This post was edited by sfmmman2001 on 3/22/2001. ***

I heard they they dismantled the one in Ohio and reconstructed it in PKD!

Can't wait to ride it on the 24th!
"Lets shot Spitballs at Al Gore and make him all Confused!"-Brain

Favorite Park: Paramount's Kings Dominion

Favorite Coaster: Volcano: The Blast Coaster
The article found here tells all about it.


Excelent read. Their next coaster will go 107 mph in under 4 seconds, but it's in Asia, we'll eventually get the bigger version. And they're going to build a parachute type of drop ride that goes up 300 feet, inverts the riders, then drops. Can't wait, I'm there!
There was one in Ohio?
ShiveringTim's avatar
Nope. Hypersonic XLC: The coaster formerly known as Thrust Air 2000 was originally built in Utah at the S&S facility. PKD bought the prototype, but with a few variations like the bunnyhop and a shorter tower.

Scott W. Short
This article also mentions the prototype in Utah.


My name is Jason, and I'm addicted to coasters.
hypersonic rules!!!!

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