Funny Picture

Well, I guess this is what Chris Sawyer would say is a direct result of using a trainer in the first place. ;)

LOL! Hahaha. Did you do that or did it do it by itself?
May 5th, Gurnee, Illinois, "I'm sprinting for Deja Vu!"
*GRIN* I hope you had fun doing it, at least! LOL

Po!nt of View: A different look at Roller Coasters.
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Yes, I had fun. What happened was, I was building a Mega Park on Crater Lake, so I completely ignored the objectives. So I failed my objective. After that, I figured I should have changed the objective, so I changed it to "Have Fun," but the failure notice remained, thus, it appears that I have failed my objective to have fun. Hehe... It wasn't planned though...

That is funny!!!

Ha Ha! :)

No. 1 Steel Roller Coaster: Millennium Force

MF Count: 117
LOL that is clever, yes that is clever.

What is life without SFA?

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