Custom music again

I know this has been a topic before, but i forgot how you can put your own music in the game. I'd appreciate it greatly if someone could help me out. Thanks

it needs to be in ".wav" format.
the specifications are in a text file titled "Custom"... in the rct/data folder. you can you windows player to save your .wav to the right frequency.

I though I figured out how to do it, but it still wont work. I converted the frequency and everything else using a music converter, but it won't show up in the music list in the game. More help please!?

Are you sure that it is in the right directory, and it is spelled correctly. I think that case counts as well. It also only works in Loopy Landscapes.
Does anyone know how to change the files to the 8-bit or whatever is needed? Mine is always 16-bit. I also don't know how to convert to some of the other required formats. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I've tried to do my music I wont but it still won't work for me ether!
load the music (must be a wav file first) into windows sound recorder. go to save as and select the right one.
hope that is enough info


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