Chance Inverter...

Well, I was driving down highway 880 near the Oakland Coliseum yesterday evening when I noticed the fair that resides near there every year was back in town. Normally I don't really give it a second look because it's rather chintzy, but this time was different. I noticed something swinging and twisting in the air. I couldn't believe it was a Chance Inverter, or what looked like one. I was like, "DUDE!" My reasoning for posting this information is this: what is it like to ride this thing? It looks wicked, and I am thinking about stopping by the fair before they leave the area, but I wanted to get some people's opinions on the ride itself. Is it a good ride? Is it intense? Is it worth it? Any help would be appreciated. Peace. :)

Medusa at Marine World: the best coaster in the west!
Its an ok ride. Not as intense as it looks, but still worth riding. Not nearly as thrilling as a Zipper, though.:)

Peace, Love, and Rollercoasters.........we need more of all three.
NOTHING is as thrilling as a zipper, in my opinion.

Two things make me high: Coasters and music. Oh, and uh, alcohol. And food. And Alcohol.
The ride is pretty cool. It's like a looping starship, except it's not enclosed, and while the main arm spins one way, the gondola you're in spins the other way. A pretty cool ride, but no where near as intense as The Zipper, especially when the Zipper at my carnival has a little rope that is keeping some of the cages shut because the locking mechanism broke!

Parks for 2000: CP, Great Escape, Great Adventure, SFA, Islands of Adventure, Kennywood
john peck's avatar
I find it to be a dud. Its has very little speed and you are left hanging the whole ride.

PLUS... you are held in with so many restraints, you can hardly see the area round you. I actually called Chance Rides and Complained about it.
Interesting. It seems that the ride isn't all that and a bag of chips. Oh well. Maybe I'll still go anyways, to check it out myself. That's really the only way I'm gonna find out. Thanks everyone. Peace. :)
Medusa at Marine World: the best coaster in the west!
I agree nothing is better than the Zipper
#1 Stealth-PGA
#2 Flashback-SFMM
#3 Whizzer-RIP PGA
#4 Mind Bender-WEM
#5 Drachen Fire-BGV
I Liked Psyclone the way it was
hehe, I got stuck on the Zipper @ the Wisconsin State Fair for like an hour and a half. All the carnies were trying to figure it out. Me and my friend swung the thing many times. THen like a half hour later he felt sick. I tried to shake it myself, but it is really hard to do :-D

May 5th, Gurnee, Illinois, "I'm sprinting for V2"

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